Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / K / Kenta Nagata & Hajime Wakai / The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker CD 1
Buy The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker CD 1

Kenta Nagata & Hajime Wakai - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker CD 1

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2003
  • Duration: 76:45
  • Size, Mb: 177.28
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $11.68$11.68

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Title 1:07 320 2.58 $0.16
02 Menu Selection 0:57 320 2.20 $0.16
03 The Legendary Hero 3:34 320 8.17 $0.16
04 Outset Island 2:07 320 4.87 $0.16
05 Inside a House 1:01 320 2.35 $0.16
06 Grandpa's House 0:57 320 2.21 $0.16
07 Fencing Instruction 1:01 320 2.34 $0.16
08 Beedle's Shop 1:16 320 2.94 $0.16
09 A Mysterious Giant Bird Attacks 0:40 320 1.54 $0.16
10 Tetra Discovered 0:11 320 0.43 $0.16
11 The Forest of Outset Island 0:43 320 1.66 $0.16
12 Bokoblin Migration 0:10 320 0.39 $0.16
13 Battle 2:33 320 5.86 $0.16
14 Encounter With Tetra 0:45 320 1.75 $0.16
15 Aryll's Kidnapping 1:19 320 3.02 $0.16
16 My Grandma 1:41 320 3.88 $0.16
17 Departure 0:52 320 1.99 $0.16
18 Pirates 1:33 320 3.59 $0.16
19 Inside the Pirate Ship 1:35 320 3.64 $0.16
20 Forsaken Fortress Invasion 1 1:00 320 2.32 $0.16
21 Forsaken Fortress Invasion 2 0:42 320 1.62 $0.16
22 Forsaken Fortress 1:40 320 3.83 $0.16
23 Imprisonment 0:04 320 0.19 $0.16
24 Reunion With Sister 1:18 320 2.98 $0.16
25 Rendezvous With the Ship 1 0:30 320 1.15 $0.16
26 Rendezvous With the Ship 2 1:18 320 3.01 $0.16
27 Rendezvous With the Ship 3 0:31 320 1.22 $0.16
28 Windfall Island 1:15 320 2.87 $0.16
29 Chu-Chu Jelly Shop 1:22 320 3.15 $0.16
30 Morning 0:22 320 0.88 $0.16
31 The Great Sea 2:40 320 6.14 $0.16
32 Sea Battle 2:04 320 4.74 $0.16
33 The Second Sea Battle 1:25 320 3.27 $0.16
34 Get Treasure Box 0:04 320 0.17 $0.16
35 Open Treasure Box 0:09 320 0.36 $0.16
36 Get Item 0:04 320 0.18 $0.16
37 Get Small Item 0:04 320 0.19 $0.16
38 Dragon Roost Island 1:36 320 3.68 $0.16
39 Dragon Roost Cavern 1:24 320 3.22 $0.16
40 Mini Boss 1:41 320 3.87 $0.16
41 Game Over 0:12 320 0.48 $0.16
42 Gohma Appears 0:25 320 0.99 $0.16
43 Gohma Battle First Half 1:30 320 3.47 $0.16
44 Gohma Battle Second Half 1:13 320 2.81 $0.16
45 Boss Clear Fanfare 0:27 320 1.05 $0.16
46 Get Heart Container 0:05 320 0.22 $0.16
47 Get Orb 0:05 320 0.20 $0.16
48 Wind's Requiem (Baton) 0:07 320 0.29 $0.16
49 Wind's Requiem 0:06 320 0.24 $0.16
50 Get Baton Song 0:05 320 0.20 $0.16
51 Yacht Game 1:26 320 3.29 $0.16
52 Yacht Game Goal 0:34 320 1.31 $0.16
53 Yacht Game Failure 0:12 320 0.46 $0.16
54 Song of Passing (Baton) 0:07 320 0.29 $0.16
55 Song of Passing 0:05 320 0.23 $0.16
56 Forest Haven 2:12 320 5.07 $0.16
57 Inside Forest Haven 1:30 320 3.47 $0.16
58 The Deku Tree's Crisis 0:17 320 0.68 $0.16
59 The Deku Tree and the Koroks 2:34 320 5.90 $0.16
60 Forbidden Woods 2:10 320 4.97 $0.16
61 Kalle Demos Appears 0:29 320 1.11 $0.16
62 Kalle Demos 1:28 320 3.40 $0.16
63 Ceremony in the Woods 2:11 320 5.01 $0.16
64 Song of the New Year's Ceremony 0:29 320 1.12 $0.16
65 The Great Sea Is Cursed 1:32 320 3.54 $0.16
66 Sacred Shrine 1:34 320 3.59 $0.16
67 Jabun 1:20 320 3.08 $0.16
68 Tower of the Gods Appears 0:55 320 2.13 $0.16
69 Tower of the Gods 2:05 320 4.80 $0.16
70 Command Melody (Baton) 0:07 320 0.29 $0.16
71 Gohdan Appears 0:39 320 1.49 $0.16
72 Gohdan 2:14 320 5.14 $0.16
73 To Hyrule 1:05 320 2.49 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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Discography of Kenta Nagata & Hajime Wakai

Album title Year Tracks Bitrate Price Order
Buy The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker CD 2 The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker CD 2 2003 60 320 $9.60


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