Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / D / DJ Kicks / Playgroup
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DJ Kicks - Playgroup

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2002
  • Duration: 67:57
  • Size, Mb: 93.56
  • Bitrate: 192
  • Price for album $3.52$3.52

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 maurice fulton presents boof - we 2:35 192 3.56 $0.16
02 ana rago - you're god (ice cube remix) 3:24 192 4.68 $0.16
03 material - ciquri (discomix) 2:36 192 3.58 $0.16
04 harlequin fours - set it off 5:41 192 7.81 $0.16
05 impedance - tainted love 3:08 192 4.32 $0.16
06 random factor - broken mirror 2:53 192 3.96 $0.16
07 cultural vibe - ma foom bey (love chant version) 2:43 192 3.75 $0.16
08 metro area - caught up 3:19 192 4.57 $0.16
09 tiny trendies - the sky is not crying 5:16 192 7.24 $0.16
10 smith n hack - to our disco friends 2:53 192 3.97 $0.16
11 zongamin - tunnel music 2:11 192 3.02 $0.16
12 charles schillings - no communication, no love (salt city orchestra mix) 2:48 192 3.85 $0.16
13 nigo - march of general (chicken lips conquest dub) 2:58 192 4.08 $0.16
14 jay walk - buggin' becky (fully bearded mix) 3:11 192 4.39 $0.16
15 kc flight - let's get jazzy (dopy dub mix) 2:20 192 3.22 $0.16
16 human league - do or die (dub) 3:02 192 4.18 $0.16
17 parallax corporation - anti social tendencies 2:38 192 3.62 $0.16
18 ralphi rosario - get up get out 3:35 192 4.94 $0.16
19 bobby o - still hot 4 u 0:29 192 0.67 $0.16
20 dexter - i don't care 3:50 192 5.27 $0.16
21 the rapture - house of jealous lovers 2:25 192 3.33 $0.16
22 flying lizards - money o 4:02 192 5.54 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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Discography of DJ Kicks

Album title Year Tracks Bitrate Price Order
Buy Tiga Tiga 2002 24 320 $3.84


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