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Buy Stravinsky: Great Composers - Disc B

Igor Stravinsky - Stravinsky: Great Composers - Disc B

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year:
  • Duration: 73:02
  • Size, Mb: 67.12
  • Bitrate: 128
  • Price for album $4.00$4.00

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Pulcinella - Ouverture: Allegro moderato 1:55 128 1.76 $0.16
02 Pulcinella - Serenata: Larghetto 2:56 128 2.70 $0.16
03 Pulcinella - Scherzino: Allegro 1:37 128 1.48 $0.16
04 Pulcinella - Poco più vivo 0:11 130 0.18 $0.16
05 Pulcinella - Allegro 0:59 128 0.92 $0.16
06 Pulcinella - Andantino 1:11 128 1.10 $0.16
07 Pulcinella - Allegro 1:39 128 1.53 $0.16
08 Pulcinella - Allegretto 2:00 128 1.84 $0.16
09 Pulcinella - Allegro assai 1:51 128 1.70 $0.16
10 Pulcinella - Allegro (alla breve) 2:13 128 2.04 $0.16
11 Pulcinella - Largo (Trio) 6:29 128 5.94 $0.16
12 Pulcinella - Allegro--alla breve 1:14 128 1.14 $0.16
13 Pulcinella - Tarantella 1:13 128 1.12 $0.16
14 Pulcinella - Andantino 2:14 128 2.06 $0.16
15 Pulcinella - Allegro 0:55 128 0.85 $0.16
16 Pulcinella - Gavotta con due variazioni: Allegro moderato 4:07 128 3.78 $0.16
17 Pulcinella - Vivo 1:29 128 1.36 $0.16
18 Pulcinella - Tempo di minuetto: Molto moderato (Trio) 2:18 128 2.12 $0.16
19 Pulcinella - Allegro assai 2:07 128 1.95 $0.16
20 Petrushka: First tableau - Fête populaire de la semaine grasse--Le tour de passe-passe 7:14 128 6.63 $0.16
21 Petrushka: First tableau - Danse russe 2:45 128 2.53 $0.16
22 Petrushka: Second tableau - Chez Pétrouchka 4:20 128 3.97 $0.16
23 Petrushka: Third tableau - Chez la maure--Danse de la ballerine 3:22 128 3.09 $0.16
24 Petrushka: Third tableau - Valse. La ballerine et le maure 3:02 128 2.79 $0.16
25 Petrushka: Fourth tableau - Fête populaire de la semaine grasse (Vers le soir)--Danse des nounous--etc. 13:41 128 12.53 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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