Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / V / VA / Bernard Herrmann Film Scores
Buy Bernard Herrmann Film Scores

VA - Bernard Herrmann Film Scores

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 1996
  • Duration: 76:28
  • Size, Mb: 171.71
  • Bitrate: 297
  • Price for album $5.92$5.92

Track List

Artist - Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 The Man Who Knew Too Much - Prelude 2:40 296 5.89 $0.16
02 Psycho - A Suite For Strings: Prelude 2:03 296 4.59 $0.16
03 Psycho - A Suite For Strings: The City 1:44 296 3.91 $0.16
04 Psycho - A Suite For Strings: The Rainstorm 1:25 297 3.25 $0.16
05 Psycho - A Suite For Strings: The Madhouse 2:36 301 5.85 $0.16
06 Psycho - A Suite For Strings: The Murder 1:00 298 2.39 $0.16
07 Psycho - A Suite For Strings: The Water 1:10 296 2.73 $0.16
08 Psycho - A Suite For Strings: The Swamp 2:27 300 5.51 $0.16
09 Psycho - A Suite For Strings: The Stairs 1:32 303 3.57 $0.16
10 Psycho - A Suite For Strings: The Knife 0:28 299 1.24 $0.16
11 Psycho - A Suite For Strings: The Cellar 1:16 296 2.91 $0.16
12 Psycho - A Suite For Strings: Finale 1:56 301 4.42 $0.16
13 Marnie - Suite: Prelude 5:13 296 11.28 $0.16
14 Marnie - Suite: The Hunt 5:44 296 12.38 $0.16
15 North By Northwest - Overture 2:46 299 6.16 $0.16
16 Vertigo - Suite: Prelude 2:58 296 6.52 $0.16
17 Vertigo - Suite: The Nightmare 2:07 297 4.75 $0.16
18 Vertigo - Suite: Scene D'amour 6:49 298 14.76 $0.16
19 Torn Curtain - Prelude 2:17 297 5.09 $0.16
20 Torn Curtain - Gromek 1:54 303 4.36 $0.16
21 Torn Curtain - The Killing 2:15 295 5.01 $0.16
22 Fahrenheit 451 - Prelude 1:31 299 3.50 $0.16
23 Fahrenheit 451 - Fire Engine 1:01 296 2.39 $0.16
24 Fahrenheit 451 - The Bedroom 1:38 294 3.68 $0.16
25 Fahrenheit 451 - The Reading 2:03 300 4.64 $0.16
26 Fahrenheit 451 - The Garden 1:25 298 3.27 $0.16
27 Fahrenheit 451 - The Nightmare 1:51 297 4.16 $0.16
28 Fahrenheit 451 - Flowers Of Fire 1:42 295 3.84 $0.16
29 Fahrenheit 451 - Flamethrower 0:36 296 1.53 $0.16
30 Fahrenheit 451 - The Captain's Death 1:00 301 2.39 $0.16
31 Fahrenheit 451 - The Road 2:13 297 4.96 $0.16
32 Fahrenheit 451 - Finale 2:25 296 5.35 $0.16
33 Taxi Driver - Prelude 0:54 297 2.15 $0.16
34 Taxi Driver - Blues 3:10 297 6.96 $0.16
35 Taxi Driver - Night Prowl 0:28 294 1.24 $0.16
36 Taxi Driver - Bloodbath 1:26 299 3.31 $0.16
37 Taxi Driver - Finale 0:45 285 1.76 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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