Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / K / Kirov Orchestra / Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker, Op. 71 (Complete Ballet) (Under Valery Gergiev)
Buy Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker, Op. 71 (Complete Ballet) (Under Valery Gergiev)

Kirov Orchestra - Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker, Op. 71 (Complete Ballet) (Under Valery Gergiev)

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 1998
  • Duration: 80:39
  • Size, Mb: 111.18
  • Bitrate: 192
  • Price for album $3.84$3.84

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Overture 3:14 192 4.45 $0.16
02 Act I, Tableau 1, The Christmas Tree 3:44 192 5.14 $0.16
03 Act I, Tableau 1, March 2:13 192 3.06 $0.16
04 Act I, Tableau 1, Galop And Dance Of The Parents 2:13 192 3.05 $0.16
05 Act I, Tableau 1, Dance Scene - The Presents Of Drosselmeyer 5:01 192 6.90 $0.16
06 Act I, Tableau 1, Scene - Grandfather Dance 5:29 192 7.55 $0.16
07 Act I, Tableau 1, Clara And The Nutcracker 6:22 192 8.77 $0.16
08 Act I, Tableau 1, The Nutcracker Battles Against The Army Of The Mouse King, Etc. 3:20 192 4.59 $0.16
09 Act I, Tableau 2, In The Christmas Tree 3:31 192 4.85 $0.16
10 Act I, Tableau 2, Scene And Waltz Of The Snowflakes 6:04 192 8.35 $0.16
11 Act II, Tableau 3, The Magic Castle On The Mountain Of Sweets 3:23 192 4.66 $0.16
12 Act II, Tableau 3, Clara And Prince Charming 4:50 192 6.66 $0.16
13 Act II, Tableau 3, Character Dances, A. Chocolate (Spanish Dance) 1:08 192 1.58 $0.16
14 Act II, Tableau 3, Character Dances, B. Coffee (Arabian Dance) 3:10 192 4.37 $0.16
15 Act II, Tableau 3, Character Dances, C. Tea (Chinese Dance) 1:07 192 1.56 $0.16
16 Act II, Tableau 3, Character Dances, D. TrŠ¹pak (Russian Dance) 1:00 192 1.39 $0.16
17 Act II, Tableau 3, Character Dances, E. Dance Of The Reed Pipes 2:13 192 3.06 $0.16
18 Act II, Tableau 3, Character Dances, F. Polichinelle (The Clown) 2:23 192 3.30 $0.16
19 Act II, Tableau 3, Waltz Of The Flowers 6:23 192 8.78 $0.16
20 Act II, Tableau 3, Pas De Deux, A. Intrada 5:00 192 6.88 $0.16
21 Act II, Tableau 3, Pas De Deux, B. Variation I (Tarantella) 0:36 192 0.83 $0.16
22 Act II, Tableau 3, Pas De Deux, C. Variation II (Dance Of The Sugar-Plum Fairy) 2:05 192 2.87 $0.16
23 Act II, Tableau 3, Pas De Deux, D. Coda 1:13 192 1.70 $0.16
24 Act II, Tableau 3, Closing Waltz - Grand Finale 4:57 192 6.82 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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