Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / E / Einojuhani Rautavaara / True & False Unicorn
Buy True & False Unicorn

Einojuhani Rautavaara - True & False Unicorn

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2003
  • Duration: 72:35
  • Size, Mb: 66.73
  • Bitrate: 128
  • Price for album $4.16$4.16

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 I. Before the Arras - 1. The Unicorn questions the nature of the chase 1:40 128 1.53 $0.16
02 I. Before the Arras - 2. The Lion, reading 3:28 128 3.19 $0.16
03 I. Before the Arras - 3. Sigmund of Vienna 3:24 128 3.12 $0.16
04 I. Before the Arras - 4. The Unicorn 2:07 128 1.95 $0.16
05 II. Horn and Hounds - 5. Entering the wilderness the Unicorn is beset by voices 1:32 128 1.42 $0.16
06 II. Horn and Hounds - 6. Young Sagittarius 1:30 128 1.38 $0.16
07 II. Horn and Hounds - 7. A Virgin, waiting 2:36 128 2.39 $0.16
08 II. Horn and Hounds - 8. The Empress of Byzantium 1:12 128 1.11 $0.16
09 II. Horn and Hounds - 9. Queen Victoria 2:28 128 2.27 $0.16
10 II. Horn and Hounds - 10. His Honor the Mayor 1:10 128 1.08 $0.16
11 II. Horn and Hounds - 11. Big Black Sambo 2:40 128 2.45 $0.16
12 III Snare and Delusion - 12. In the heart of desert the silence is pearcing 3:02 128 2.79 $0.16
13 III. Snare and Delusion - 13. The Unicorn, wounded 5:04 128 4.65 $0.16
14 IV. "Mon Seul Désir" - 14. The Unicorn reaches a temple in a clearing 1:53 128 1.74 $0.16
15 IV. "Mon Seul Désir" - 15. Sigmund of Vienna 1:41 128 1.56 $0.16
16 IV. "Mon Seul Désir" - 16. The Lion 2:57 128 2.71 $0.16
17 IV. "Mon Seul Désir" - 17. The Unicorn 1:51 128 1.71 $0.16
18 IV. "Mon Seul Désir" - 18. Tom Fool 0:44 128 0.68 $0.16
19 IV. "Mon Seul Désir" - 19. The Virgin's Lullaby 1:48 128 1.66 $0.16
20 IV. "Mon Seul Désir" - 20. The Unicorn 3:54 128 3.58 $0.16
21 Canción de nuestro tiempo - 1. Fragmentos de agonia 4:08 128 3.80 $0.16
22 Canción de nuestro tiempo - 2. Meditación primera y última 4:17 128 3.94 $0.16
23 Canción de nuestro tiempo - 3. Ciudad sin sueño (Nocturno del Sarajevo) 6:33 128 6.00 $0.16
24 Halavan himmeän alla - 1. Ikävyys, Melancholy 4:27 128 4.08 $0.16
25 Halavan himmeän alla - 2. Laulu oravasta, The Squirrel 2:38 128 2.42 $0.16
26 Halavan himmeän alla - 3. Sydämeni laulu, Song of my Heart 3:51 128 3.53 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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