Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / C / Craig Russell / Rhapsody For Horn & Orchestra, Middle Earth, Gate City
Buy Rhapsody For Horn & Orchestra, Middle Earth, Gate City

Craig Russell - Rhapsody For Horn & Orchestra, Middle Earth, Gate City

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2003
  • Duration: 59:18
  • Size, Mb: 136.00
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $2.40$2.40

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Rhapsody - 1. Morning's Decisions 11:24 320 26.11 $0.16
02 Rhapsody - 2. Dizzy Bird 6:37 320 15.16 $0.16
03 Rhapsody - 3. Wistful Musing 12:51 320 29.44 $0.16
04 Rhapsody - 4. Tito Machito 6:56 320 15.87 $0.16
05 Rhapsody - 5. Flash 3:45 320 8.61 $0.16
06 Middle Earth - Frodo Leaves The Shire 0:57 320 2.19 $0.16
07 Middle Earth - Gimli, The Dwarf 1:10 320 2.68 $0.16
08 Middle Earth - Galadriel And Her Elvin Mirror 1:26 320 3.30 $0.16
09 Middle Earth - Gollum 0:32 320 1.23 $0.16
10 Middle Earth - Gandalf: The White Rider 0:59 320 2.27 $0.16
11 Middle Earth - Shelob's Lair 1:39 320 3.79 $0.16
12 Middle Earth - Orcs And Rings Wraiths 1:16 320 2.94 $0.16
13 Middle Earth - Strider And The Crowning Of Aragorn 3:27 320 7.91 $0.16
14 Middle Earth - Frodo And The Company Return 0:52 320 2.00 $0.16
15 Gate City - A Methodist Hymn 5:27 320 12.49 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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