Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / G / Gyorgy Ligeti / Le Grand Macabre (London Sinfonietta Voices & Philharmonia Orchestra Feat. Conductor: Esa-Pekka Salonen) CD2
Buy Le Grand Macabre (London Sinfonietta Voices & Philharmonia Orchestra Feat. Conductor: Esa-Pekka Salonen) CD2

Gyorgy Ligeti - Le Grand Macabre (London Sinfonietta Voices & Philharmonia Orchestra Feat. Conductor: Esa-Pekka Salonen) CD2

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 1999
  • Duration: 59:07
  • Size, Mb: 94.06
  • Bitrate: 223
  • Price for album $1.60$1.60

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Doorbell Prelude 0:54 225 1.46 $0.10
02 Scene III. Arse-Licker, Arse-Kisser! 3:35 222 5.71 $0.10
03 Scene III. Posture Exercises! 2:27 223 3.94 $0.10
04 Scene III. Tsk... - Psssst! - Ha! Head Of My Secret Service! 6:22 226 10.30 $0.10
05 Scene III. Ahh!.. Secret Cypher! 5:37 222 8.93 $0.10
06 Scene III. Hurray, Hurray! My Wife Is Dead 2:00 224 3.22 $0.10
07 Scene III. Nekrotzar's Entrance 3:18 222 5.25 $0.10
08 Scene III. Woe! Ooh! - For The Day Of Wrath 3:16 220 5.17 $0.10
09 Scene III. There's No Need To Fear 3:02 219 4.78 $0.10
10 Scene III. Up! - Drink! - Up! 1:28 235 2.47 $0.10
11 Scene III. Hmm! It's Delicious! 4:45 220 7.49 $0.10
12 Scene III. Where Am I What Time Is It 5:47 224 9.27 $0.10
13 Interlude 1:34 220 2.48 $0.10
14 Scene IV. Ghost Astradamors, Are You Dead 3:39 224 5.87 $0.10
15 Scene IV. Nekrotzar's Death 6:16 220 9.88 $0.10
16 Scene IV. Ah, It Was Good 5:07 214 7.85 $0.10
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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