Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / J / John Watermann / Illusions of Infinite Bliss
Buy Illusions of Infinite Bliss

John Watermann - Illusions of Infinite Bliss

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 1990
  • Duration: 131:55
  • Size, Mb: 302.78
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $5.92$5.92

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
101 Seeking Perfection in Somersaults 4:39 320 10.67 $0.16
102 Paradise of Skinned Mothers 4:18 320 9.86 $0.16
103 Meditation Brute 4:28 320 10.23 $0.16
104 Tear Gas and Water Cannon 3:29 320 7.97 $0.16
105 The Deadly Gum 4:52 320 11.16 $0.16
106 Blue Nazi Lagoon Teaser 6:35 320 15.07 $0.16
107 TV Prayer 3:16 320 7.50 $0.16
108 Yearning for the Mindbenders 5:43 320 13.11 $0.16
109 The Money Eaters 5:48 320 13.29 $0.16
110 Now He's Alone 3:04 320 7.06 $0.16
111 Holiday Lungs: Inhaling 1:10 320 2.69 $0.16
112 Watching a Stranger Wax Quietly Hysterical 4:58 320 11.40 $0.16
113 Colliding with Old Shadows 3:03 320 7.01 $0.16
114 The Dead Calm of Bashing Coca-Cola 2:12 320 5.06 $0.16
115 Shortcut 4:12 320 9.64 $0.16
116 Holiday Lungs: Exhaling 0:56 320 2.17 $0.16
117 Industrial Delight 2:49 320 6.47 $0.16
201 Intensity Froth 4:58 320 11.40 $0.16
202 Bleeding Gantries 4:06 320 9.42 $0.16
203 Hidden in a Freezer 3:28 320 7.97 $0.16
204 Speaking in Boiled Tongues 2:31 320 5.80 $0.16
205 Accessory of Heart 4:54 320 11.25 $0.16
206 Night Grinder 3:00 320 6.87 $0.16
207 Missed You 3:58 320 9.10 $0.16
208 Vatican Griller 0:54 320 2.09 $0.16
209 Bust 2:32 320 5.82 $0.16
210 Cracked Up Since Burma 6:32 320 14.97 $0.16
211 Long Distance Sleepers (Yes One) 3:49 320 8.74 $0.16
212 Thrust from a Twitcher 3:36 320 8.28 $0.16
213 Letters with Slanted Eyes (Yes Two) 1:49 320 4.18 $0.16
214 Know What Crutches Cost 2:51 320 6.55 $0.16
215 Lean Yellow Supporting 3:45 320 8.62 $0.16
216 Soft Serve 2:05 320 4.80 $0.16
217 Misplaced Skin Grafts 1 5:29 320 12.58 $0.16
218 Best Torn Ligaments 0:54 320 2.07 $0.16
219 Zink Bruises 2:47 320 6.39 $0.16
220 Misplaced Skin Grafts 2 (Caterers Blend) 2:25 320 5.55 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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Discography of John Watermann

Album title Year Tracks Bitrate Price Order
Buy Babel #1 Babel #1 1993 9 320 $1.44


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