Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / R / Raison d'Etre / Collective Archives
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Raison d'Etre - Collective Archives

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 1999
  • Duration: 145:58
  • Size, Mb: 267.81
  • Bitrate: 256
  • Price for album $4.80$4.80

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
101 Cantharsis 1:31 256 2.80 $0.16
102 Chalixtins 5:21 256 9.82 $0.16
103 Decalogue 6:06 256 11.19 $0.16
104 Out of the Depths... 5:23 256 9.87 $0.16
105 Pharynx 5:05 256 9.33 $0.16
106 Intrinsic Reason [version I] 9:41 256 17.76 $0.16
107 In Brooken Shields 3:01 256 5.54 $0.16
108 Brooked Shield 2:04 256 3.82 $0.16
109 Intrinsic Reason [version II] 4:50 256 8.86 $0.16
110 Wisdom of Withhold 5:34 256 10.22 $0.16
111 Saivo - The Kingdom of Dead 9:28 256 17.36 $0.16
112 Saifeiod [extended version] 9:41 256 17.76 $0.16
113 In Emptiness 5:13 256 9.57 $0.16
201 Through an Arcane Passage 1:25 256 2.61 $0.16
202 Mesmerized in Sorrow 4:31 256 8.27 $0.16
203 Ordeal in Chapel 5:39 256 10.36 $0.16
204 Mourning 4:38 256 8.50 $0.16
205 Anathema / Apotheosis 4:10 256 7.64 $0.16
206 Synopsis 5:50 256 10.69 $0.16
207 Apres nous le deluge [acte I] 4:43 256 8.64 $0.16
208 Raison d'Etre 4:12 256 7.70 $0.16
209 The Final Wagon 5:31 256 10.11 $0.16
210 Moribund 5:28 256 10.04 $0.16
211 De Profundis 3:47 256 6.95 $0.16
212 Death Brightens with Sorrow 5:38 256 10.34 $0.16
213 Ingesco Comburo 5:18 256 9.72 $0.16
214 Memento Mori 3:52 256 7.09 $0.16
215 Apres nous le deluge [acte II] 3:16 256 6.00 $0.16
216 Paragon Sequence 3:23 256 6.20 $0.16
217 Frigus Membra 1:39 256 3.05 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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