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Buy Doctor Who (The 50Th Anniversary Collection) CD1

VA - Doctor Who (The 50Th Anniversary Collection) CD1

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2013
  • Duration: 78:57
  • Size, Mb: 84.95
  • Bitrate: 139
  • Price for album $8.48$8.48

Track List

Artist - Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Ron Grainer - Doctor Who (Original Theme) (From Doctor Who) 2:21 141 2.38 $0.16
02 Derek Nelson - Three Guitars Mood 2 (From An Unearthly Child) 2:03 148 2.18 $0.16
03 Brian Hodgson - Tardis Takeoff (From An Unearthly Child) 0:50 148 0.88 $0.16
04 Tristram Cary - Forest Atmosphere (From The Daleks) 1:08 129 1.05 $0.16
05 Tristram Cary - Forest With Creature (From The Daleks) 0:54 141 0.92 $0.16
06 Tristram Cary - City Music 1 And 2 (From The Daleks) 0:56 127 0.86 $0.16
07 Tristram Cary - The Daleks (From The Daleks) 0:32 138 0.54 $0.16
08 Brian Hodgson - Dalek Control Room (From The Daleks) 0:34 115 0.47 $0.16
09 Tristram Cary - The Ambush (From The Daleks) 1:59 134 1.92 $0.16
10 Brian Hodgson - Capsule Oscillation (Dalek Destructor Fuse/Bomb Countdown) (From The Daleks) 0:19 120 0.28 $0.16
11 Brian Hodgson - Explosion, Tardis Stops (From The Edge Of Destruction) 1:10 134 1.13 $0.16
12 Brian Hodgson - Sleeping Machine (From The Keys Of Marinus) 0:53 122 0.77 $0.16
13 Brian Hodgson - Dalek Spaceship Lands (From The Chase) 0:16 135 0.28 $0.16
14 Brian Hodgson - Tardis Lands (From The Chase) 0:11 133 0.19 $0.16
15 Brian Hodgson - Chumbley (Constant Run) (From Galaxy Four) 0:27 128 0.43 $0.16
16 Brian Hodgson - Chumbley At Rest (From Galaxy Four) 0:28 128 0.43 $0.16
17 Daniel Ouzenoff - Marche (Les Structures Sonores) (From Galaxy Four) 2:40 134 2.57 $0.16
18 Tristram Cary - A Strange Sickness (From The Daleks' Master Plan) 0:44 136 0.72 $0.16
19 Tristram Cary - Growing Menace (From The Daleks' Master Plan) 2:07 136 2.08 $0.16
20 Tristram Cary - The Ballad Of The Last Chance Saloon (From The Gunfighters) 3:50 142 3.90 $0.16
21 Martin Slavin - Space Adventure Pt. 2 (From The Tenth Planet) 1:21 145 1.42 $0.16
22 Brian Hodgson - Heartbeat Chase (From The Macra Terror) 1:56 129 1.80 $0.16
23 Dudley Simpson - Chromophone Band (From The Macra Terror) 1:56 155 2.15 $0.16
24 Brian Hodgson - Propaganda Sleep Machine (From The Macra Terror) 1:08 131 1.07 $0.16
25 Paul Bonneau - Sideral Universe (From The Tomb Of The Cybermen) 2:25 136 2.37 $0.16
26 Wilfred Josephs - Space Time Music Pt. 1 (From The Tomb Of The Cybermen) 1:21 145 1.40 $0.16
27 Wilfred Josephs - Space Time Music Pt. 2 (From The Web Of Fear) 1:19 150 1.42 $0.16
28 Dudley Simpson - Mr. Oak And Mr. Quill (Incidental Music) (From Fury From The Deep) 0:39 150 0.71 $0.16
29 Brian Hodgson - Cyberman Stab And Music (From The Wheel In Space) 1:32 146 1.61 $0.16
30 Brian Hodgson - Birth Of Cybermats (From The Wheel In Space) 0:44 134 0.71 $0.16
31 Brian Hodgson - Interior Rocket (Suspense Music) (From The Wheel In Space) 1:55 136 1.87 $0.16
32 Brian Hodgson - Galaxy Atmosphere (From The Dominators) 1:04 117 0.90 $0.16
33 Brian Hodgson - Zoe's Theme (From The Mind Robber) 1:20 98 0.94 $0.16
34 Don Harper - The Dark Side Of The Moon (From The Invasion) 0:31 135 0.51 $0.16
35 Don Harper - The Company (From The Invasion) 1:30 145 1.57 $0.16
36 Brian Hodgson - Machine And City Theme (From The Krotons) 1:50 130 1.71 $0.16
37 Brian Hodgson - Kroton Theme (From The Krotons) 2:14 138 2.22 $0.16
38 Dudley Simpson - The Seeds Of Death Titles (From The Seeds Of Death) 0:35 154 0.65 $0.16
39 Dudley Simpson - Ice Warriors Music (From The Seeds Of Death) 0:26 143 0.45 $0.16
40 Brian Hodgson - Time Lord Court (From The War Games) 1:32 124 1.36 $0.16
41 Ron Grainer - Doctor Who (New Opening, 1967) (Full Version) 2:19 146 2.44 $0.16
42 Dudley Simpson - The Master's Theme (From The Mind Of Evil) 0:43 132 0.69 $0.16
43 Dudley Simpson - Hypnosis Music (From The Mind Of Evil) 0:36 162 0.71 $0.16
44 Dudley Simpson - Dover Castle (From The Mind Of Evil) 0:29 126 0.45 $0.16
45 Brian Hodgson - Keller Machine Appears And Vanishes (From The Mind Of Evil) 0:22 143 0.39 $0.16
46 Dudley Simpson - Keller Machine Theme (From The Mind Of Evil) 0:43 127 0.65 $0.16
47 Brian Hodgson - Copy Machine Tickover (From The Claws Of Axos) 0:16 137 0.28 $0.16
48 Brian Hodgson - The Axons Approach (From The Claws Of Axos) 1:45 141 1.78 $0.16
49 Malcolm Clarke - The Sea Devils (From The Sea Devils) 5:24 219 8.46 $0.16
50 Tristram Cary - The Mutants (From The Mutants) 7:11 205 10.56 $0.16
51 Dudley Simpson - Frontier In Space Episode 1 (From Frontier In Space) 1:46 146 1.86 $0.16
52 Carey Blyton - Death To The Daleks (From Death To The Daleks) 3:50 142 3.91 $0.16
53 Dick Mills - Metebelis III Atmosphere (From Planet Of The Spiders) 1:53 144 1.96 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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