Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / R / Royal Philharmonic Orchestra & Ambrosian Opera Chorus / Gioachino Rossini: Guillaume Tell (Under Lamberto Gardelli) CD2
Buy Gioachino Rossini: Guillaume Tell (Under Lamberto Gardelli) CD2

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra & Ambrosian Opera Chorus - Gioachino Rossini: Guillaume Tell (Under Lamberto Gardelli) CD2

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2010
  • Duration: 72:47
  • Size, Mb: 99.79
  • Bitrate: 191
  • Price for album $3.84$3.84

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Act I: Pale Et Tremblant 2:06 198 2.99 $0.16
02 Act I: Arnold A Disparu 1:23 199 1.99 $0.16
03 Act I: Dieu De Bonte 3:04 194 4.28 $0.16
04 Act I: Ils Vont Parler 2:27 200 3.52 $0.16
05 Act I: Comme Lui Nous Aurions 4:17 197 6.06 $0.16
06 Act II: Quelle Sauvage Harmonie 1:48 194 2.51 $0.16
07 Act II: Quel Est Ce Bruit 2:46 182 3.61 $0.16
08 Act II: Ils S'eloignent Enfin 3:21 188 4.52 $0.16
09 Act II: Sombre Foret 4:51 193 6.71 $0.16
10 Act II: Ma Presence Pour Vous 3:21 188 4.52 $0.16
11 Act II: Oui Vous L'arrachez 3:19 189 4.49 $0.16
12 Act II: Doux Aveu 4:54 182 6.38 $0.16
13 Act II: Il Est Digne 2:37 198 3.72 $0.16
14 Act II: On Vient, Separons Nous 0:37 184 0.84 $0.16
15 Act II: Ciel Walter Et Guillaume 2:56 192 4.04 $0.16
16 Act II: Quand L'helvetie 3:23 196 4.76 $0.16
17 Act II: Ses Jours Qu'ils Ont Ose Proscire 3:53 196 5.46 $0.16
18 Act II: Il Est Donc Vrai 4:05 197 5.77 $0.16
19 Act II: Des Profondeurs 3:42 181 4.81 $0.16
20 Act II: En Ces Temps De Malheurs 3:33 182 4.64 $0.16
21 Act II: On Pardonne La Crainte 0:56 192 1.29 $0.16
22 Act II: De Prompts Effets 2:49 182 3.67 $0.16
23 Act II: L'avalanche Roulant 3:10 195 4.43 $0.16
24 Act II: Jurons, Jurons 3:29 191 4.77 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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Discography of Royal Philharmonic Orchestra & Ambrosian Opera Chorus

Album title Year Tracks Bitrate Price Order
Buy Gioachino Rossini: Guillaume Tell (Under Lamberto Gardelli) CD4 Gioachino Rossini: Guillaume Tell (Under Lamberto Gardelli) CD4 2010 14 190 $2.24
Buy Gioachino Rossini: Guillaume Tell (Under Lamberto Gardelli) CD1 Gioachino Rossini: Guillaume Tell (Under Lamberto Gardelli) CD1 2010 18 193 $2.88


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