Buy Gigi (Remastered 1996)

Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Lowe - Gigi (Remastered 1996)

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 1958
  • Duration: 75:07
  • Size, Mb: 130.60
  • Bitrate: 242
  • Price for album $6.72$6.72

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Main Title 2:10 250 3.90 $0.16
02 Opening 1:53 235 3.18 $0.16
03 Maurice Chevalier - Interlude/ And Then There Is The Future 1:08 236 1.92 $0.16
04 Maurice Chevalier - Thank Heaven For Little Girls 2:07 251 3.80 $0.16
05 Meet Gigi (Extended Version) 0:47 241 1.37 $0.16
06 Gaston's House (Extended Version) 0:46 232 1.29 $0.16
07 Armenonville/ It's A Bore Prelude 1:00 231 1.68 $0.16
08 Maurice Chevalier And Louis Jourdan - It's A Bore 2:14 243 3.90 $0.16
09 After It's A Bore (Extended Version) 0:29 231 0.83 $0.16
10 Aunt Alicia 0:29 240 0.84 $0.16
11 Parisians Introduction 0:17 240 0.50 $0.16
12 Betty Wand (For Leslie Caron) - The Parisians 2:24 244 4.21 $0.16
13 Ice Skating Sequence (Extended Version) 3:07 245 5.47 $0.16
14 Dissolve Maxim's/ Gossip (Extended Version) 2:53 244 5.06 $0.16
15 Louis Jourdan - Introduction To Maxim's Waltz (Extended Version)/ Waltz At Maxim's (She Is Not Thinking Of Me) 2:40 262 5.02 $0.16
16 Maurice Chevalier, Louis Jourdan And John Abbott - It's A Bore Reprise 0:40 240 1.17 $0.16
17 To The Inn (Extended Version) 0:43 231 1.21 $0.16
18 Goodbye Madame 0:41 238 1.18 $0.16
19 Bore Montage 1:43 255 3.15 $0.16
20 Leslie Caron (Verse Only), Betty Wand (For Leslie Caron), Hermione Gingold And Louis Jourdan - The Night They Invented Champagn 1:42 280 3.43 $0.16
21 Trouville (Extended Version) 3:07 244 5.46 $0.16
22 Maurice Chevalier And Hermione Gingold - I Remember It Well 2:22 242 4.11 $0.16
23 Panting Grandmama (Outtake) 0:20 240 0.58 $0.16
24 Lessons (Extended Version) 6:58 239 11.93 $0.16
25 Upset 0:24 258 0.77 $0.16
26 Louis Jourdan - Gaston's Soliloquy 2:35 248 4.60 $0.16
27 Louis Jourdan - Gigi 3:36 243 6.26 $0.16
28 Gaston With Flowers 0:27 235 0.78 $0.16
29 You Never Told Me 1:05 247 1.92 $0.16
30 Maurice Chevalier - I'm Glad I'm Not Young Anymore 2:50 268 5.43 $0.16
31 I'm Glad I'm Not Young Anymore Reprise (Extended Version) 1:15 253 2.29 $0.16
32 Aunt Alicia's March (Extended Version) 1:09 281 2.34 $0.16
33 Bracelet (Extended Version) 1:03 252 1.91 $0.16
34 Betty Wand (For Leslie Caron) - Say A Prayer For Me Tonight 1:12 242 2.11 $0.16
35 Gigi's Big Moment 1:14 241 2.15 $0.16
36 Second Gossip (Extended Version/Vocal Outtake) 1:11 244 2.08 $0.16
37 Waltz At Maxim's, Dance Version (Extended Version) 4:51 241 8.37 $0.16
38 Gaston's Decision 1:56 243 3.37 $0.16
39 Maurice Chevalier With Spoken Word By Hermione Gingold - Change Of Heart/ End Title 1:25 271 2.78 $0.16
40 Leslie Caron And Andre Previn At The Piano - The Parisians (Extended Version/ Piano-Vocal Prerecording) 3:25 184 4.50 $0.16
41 Leslie Caron, Hermione Gingold And Louis Jourdan With Andre Previn At The Piano - The Night They Invented Champagne (Piano-Voca 1:44 196 2.44 $0.16
42 Leslie Caron With Andre Previn At The Piano - Say A Prayer For Me Tonight (Piano-Vocal Prerecording) 1:05 172 1.34 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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