Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / D / David Atherton / Tippett: King Priam (With London Sinfonietta) (Reissued 1995) CD1
Buy Tippett: King Priam (With London Sinfonietta) (Reissued 1995) CD1

David Atherton - Tippett: King Priam (With London Sinfonietta) (Reissued 1995) CD1

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 1981
  • Duration: 68:33
  • Size, Mb: 157.42
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $4.00$4.00

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Act I - Prelude 1:29 320 3.43 $0.16
02 Act I, Scene 1- Hecuba: »what Is It, Nurse?« 3:43 320 8.54 $0.16
03 Act I, Scene 1- Priam: »old Man Of Troy, You're Welcome« 2:25 320 5.55 $0.16
04 Act I, Scene 1- Hecuba: »than Am I No Longer Mother To This Child« 1:32 320 3.53 $0.16
05 Act I, Scene 1- Priam: »a Father And A King« 1:54 320 4.35 $0.16
06 Act I, Scene 1- Priam: »the Queen Is Right« 1:17 320 2.97 $0.16
07 Act I, Scene 1- First Interlude - Nurse, Old Man: »thus Shall A Story Begin« 2:52 320 6.59 $0.16
08 Act I, Scene 2 - 1st Huntsman: »the Bull Is Away Over There« 2:19 320 5.31 $0.16
09 Act I, Scene 2 - Paris: »they Have Taken My Bull« 1:58 320 4.53 $0.16
10 Act I, Scene 2 - Hector: »father, He's A Shepherd Boy« 1:48 320 4.16 $0.16
11 Act I, Scene 2 - Priam: »so I'd Hoped It Might Be« 5:03 320 11.57 $0.16
12 Act I, Scene 2 - 2Nd Interlude - Nurse: »ah, But Life, Life Is A Bitter Charade« 4:40 320 10.71 $0.16
13 Act I, Scene 3 - Helen, Paris: »ah, Ah . . .« 5:15 320 12.03 $0.16
14 Act I, Scene 3 - Hermes: »divine Go-Between, That's Who I Am« 2:11 320 5.01 $0.16
15 Act I, Scene 3 - Paris: »lady Athene, If I Honour You . . .« 0:52 320 2.01 $0.16
16 Act I, Scene 3 - Paris: »lady Hera, If I Honour You . . .« 2:07 320 4.85 $0.16
17 Act I, Scene 3 - Paris: »aphrodite, If I Honour You . . .« 2:16 320 5.20 $0.16
18 Act II, Scene 1 - Hector: »so You've Given Up Fighting!« 3:40 320 8.41 $0.16
19 Act II, Scene 1 - Priam: »so Trojans Honour Menelaus . . .« 1:23 320 3.19 $0.16
20 Act II, Scene 1 - 1st Interlude - Old Man: »hermes, With The Winged Feet Come Quick!« 1:33 320 3.57 $0.16
21 Act II, Scene 2 - Achilles: »o Rich-Soiled Land« 5:26 320 12.47 $0.16
22 Act II, Scene 2 - Achilles: »why Are You Weeping, Patroclus?« 4:56 320 11.31 $0.16
23 Act II, Scene 2 - 2Nd Interlude - Old Man: »o, O, What A Threat To Troy« 1:34 320 3.62 $0.16
24 Act II, Scene 3 - Hermes: »a Hero In Achilles' Armour . . .« 1:22 320 3.15 $0.16
25 Act II, Scene 3 - Hector: »all Trojans, All Fought Bravely« 4:58 320 11.38 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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Discography of David Atherton

Album title Year Tracks Bitrate Price Order
Buy Tippett: King Priam (With London Sinfonietta) (Reissued 1995) CD2 Tippett: King Priam (With London Sinfonietta) (Reissued 1995) CD2 1981 19 320 $3.04


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