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Buy The Elder Scrolls Online

VA - The Elder Scrolls Online

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2014
  • Duration: 156:36
  • Size, Mb: 359.42
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $7.52$7.52

Track List

Artist - Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Jeremy Soule - For Blood, For Glory, For Honor 4:59 320 11.44 $0.16
02 Brad Derrick - Moons Of Evening Star 5:32 320 12.67 $0.16
03 Brad Derrick - The Three Banners: Fanfare 1:39 320 3.79 $0.16
04 Brad Derrick - Omens In The Clouds 5:18 320 12.17 $0.16
05 Brad Derrick - Echoes Of Aldmeris 0:55 320 2.11 $0.16
06 Brad Derrick - Weapons Drawn 1:47 320 4.10 $0.16
07 Brad Derrick - Yearning For Moonshadow 6:17 320 14.40 $0.16
08 Brad Derrick - Lowering The Banners (Sundown) 1:15 320 2.90 $0.16
09 Brad Derrick - Dawn Gleams On Cyrodiil 5:21 320 12.26 $0.16
10 Brad Derrick - Rubble And Smoke 0:55 320 2.13 $0.16
11 Brad Derrick - Comrades In Arms 1:21 320 3.11 $0.16
12 Brad Derrick - Y’ffre In Every Leaf 5:33 320 12.71 $0.16
13 Brad Derrick - North From Riften 1:28 320 3.39 $0.16
14 Brad Derrick - Moth, Butterfly, And Torchbug 5:42 320 13.06 $0.16
15 Brad Derrick - Elegy For The Remans 1:27 320 3.33 $0.16
16 Brad Derrick - Oath Of Malacath 1:54 320 4.39 $0.16
17 Brad Derrick - Whispers Of The Ancestors 5:05 320 11.66 $0.16
18 Brad Derrick - Vestige Of Hope 1:29 320 3.43 $0.16
19 Brad Derrick - Sands Of The Alik'r 5:26 320 12.47 $0.16
20 Brad Derrick - Winged Twilight 1:10 320 2.70 $0.16
21 Brad Derrick - Imperial Legion 1:29 320 3.40 $0.16
22 Brad Derrick - Auridon Sunrise 5:54 320 13.52 $0.16
23 Brad Derrick - They Did Not Die In Vain 1:26 320 3.29 $0.16
24 Brad Derrick - Greenheart 5:01 320 11.50 $0.16
25 Brad Derrick - Tamriel Beleagured 1:39 320 3.78 $0.16
26 Brad Derrick - To Dance With Daedra 1:40 320 3.82 $0.16
27 Brad Derrick - The Towers Cast Long Shadows 5:53 320 13.49 $0.16
28 Brad Derrick - Horizons Of Cyrodiil 1:14 320 2.86 $0.16
29 Brad Derrick - The Legacy Of Lorkhan 5:19 320 12.21 $0.16
30 Brad Derrick - Arkay Watches 1:24 320 3.24 $0.16
31 Brad Derrick - Courage Of Ordinary Mortals 1:18 320 3.00 $0.16
32 Rik Schaffer - The Heart Of Nirn 6:17 320 14.39 $0.16
33 Brad Derrick - Soaring On Eagle’s Wings 1:30 320 3.45 $0.16
34 Brad Derrick - Stendarr’s Mercy 5:20 320 12.24 $0.16
35 Brad Derrick - Order Of The Ancestor Moth 1:05 320 2.52 $0.16
36 Brad Derrick - Onslaught At The Gates 2:04 320 4.74 $0.16
37 Brad Derrick - Alas, The Dragon Shall Break 6:15 320 14.31 $0.16
38 Brad Derrick - The Keep Has Fallen 1:40 320 3.83 $0.16
39 Brad Derrick - Bruma Against The Jeralls 5:46 320 13.20 $0.16
40 Brad Derrick - We Honor The Slain 1:02 320 2.38 $0.16
41 Brad Derrick - Ruins Of The Ayleids 1:16 320 2.93 $0.16
42 Brad Derrick - Anequina Beckons 6:09 320 14.11 $0.16
43 Rik Schaffer - Northpoint Nocturne 5:27 320 12.49 $0.16
44 Brad Derrick - Memories Of Yokuda Lost 5:38 320 12.90 $0.16
45 Brad Derrick - Peril Upon The Sands 1:08 320 2.61 $0.16
46 Brad Derrick - Tides Of The Abecean Sea 5:38 320 12.92 $0.16
47 Malukah - Beauty Of Dawn 3:31 320 8.06 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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