Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / J / James Macmillan / A Scotch Bestiary, Piano Concerto No.2
Buy A Scotch Bestiary, Piano Concerto No.2

James Macmillan - A Scotch Bestiary, Piano Concerto No.2

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2006
  • Duration: 63:39
  • Size, Mb: 145.99
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $2.72$2.72

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 A Scotch Bestiary - I. The Menagerie, Caged - The Book Is Opened 1:29 320 3.42 $0.16
02 A Scotch Bestiary - I. The Menagerie, Caged - 1 Ode To A Cro-Magnon Hyena 2:33 320 5.85 $0.16
03 A Scotch Bestiary - I. The Menagerie, Caged - A Page Is Turned 0:42 320 1.61 $0.16
04 A Scotch Bestiary - I. The Menagerie, Caged - 2 Reptiles And Big Fish (In A S... 1:56 320 4.46 $0.16
05 A Scotch Bestiary - I. The Menagerie, Caged - 3 Her Serene And Ubiquitous Maj... 2:10 320 4.96 $0.16
06 A Scotch Bestiary - I. The Menagerie, Caged - Another Page Is Turned 0:56 320 2.17 $0.16
07 A Scotch Bestiary - I. The Menagerie, Caged - 4 The Red-Handed, No-Surrender,... 1:36 320 3.68 $0.16
08 A Scotch Bestiary - I. The Menagerie, Caged - 5 Uncle Tom Cat And His Chickens 2:00 320 4.59 $0.16
09 A Scotch Bestiary - I. The Menagerie, Caged - Yet Another Page Is Turned 0:41 320 1.58 $0.16
10 A Scotch Bestiary - I. The Menagerie, Caged - 6 Scottish Patriots 2:11 320 5.00 $0.16
11 A Scotch Bestiary - I. The Menagerie, Caged - 7 The Reverend Cuckoo And His P... 1:33 320 3.58 $0.16
12 A Scotch Bestiary - I. The Menagerie, Caged - 8 Jackass Hackass 1:41 320 3.87 $0.16
13 A Scotch Bestiary - I. The Menagerie, Caged - The Book Is Closed. 1:35 320 3.63 $0.16
14 A Scotch Bestiary - II. The Menagerie, Uncaged 12:39 320 28.98 $0.16
15 Piano Concerto No.2 - I. Cumnock Fair. Fast 12:08 320 27.78 $0.16
16 Piano Concerto No.2 - II. Shambards. J = C. 60 7:58 320 18.26 $0.16
17 Piano Concerto No.2 - III. Shamnation. Allegro (Tempo Di Reel) 9:51 320 22.56 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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