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Buy Metal Slug Complete Sound Box CD8

Toshikazu Tanaka - Metal Slug Complete Sound Box CD8

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2006
  • Duration: 66:11
  • Size, Mb: 131.75
  • Bitrate: 271
  • Price for album $6.40$6.40

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 'weapons Free Arrange' (Metal Slug Arrange Version) 5:08 255 9.38 $0.16
02 New Plot (Opening Movie) 2:26 265 4.62 $0.16
03 Honest Person Who Fights (Demo - Type 1) 1:22 270 2.66 $0.16
04 Soldier Who Confronts It (Demo - Type 2) 0:31 242 0.90 $0.16
05 Comfortable Tension (Demo - Type 3) 1:27 297 3.11 $0.16
06 Situation That Becomes Tense (Demo - Type 4) 0:57 268 1.85 $0.16
07 Settle Down (Demo - Type 5) 1:31 273 2.97 $0.16
08 At The Relief (Demo - Type 6) 0:29 252 0.90 $0.16
09 It Talks About The History. (Demo - Type 7) 1:30 253 2.74 $0.16
10 Imminent Danger (Demo - Type 8) 0:35 263 1.12 $0.16
11 Dangerous Atmosphere (Demo - Type 9) 0:35 258 1.11 $0.16
12 Sense Of Crisis (Demo - Type 10) 0:44 274 1.46 $0.16
13 Allen's Theme (Demo - Allen's Theme) 1:31 275 2.99 $0.16
14 Morden's Theme (Demo - Morden's Theme) 1:40 260 3.13 $0.16
15 Oguma's Theme (Demo - Oguma's Theme) 1:12 288 2.48 $0.16
16 Agonizing Decision (Menu Main Screen) 0:43 284 1.47 $0.16
17 Start From Mountain Village (Stage 01 -Mountain Village-) 2:25 266 4.63 $0.16
18 Be Headquartered In The City (Stage 02 -Headquarter In The City-) 2:14 278 4.47 $0.16
19 Desert Town (Stage 03 -Desert Town-) 2:22 300 5.10 $0.16
20 Coal Mine Mark (Stage 04 -Coal Mine Ruins-) 2:15 268 4.32 $0.16
21 Underground Ruins (Stage 05 -Underground Ancient Ruins-) 2:24 298 5.13 $0.16
22 Atmospheric Discharge (Stage 06 -Flyer-) 2:41 297 5.71 $0.16
23 Break The Barrier (Stage 07 -Outer Wall: Inside The Facility-) 2:19 277 4.61 $0.16
24 Sink Under The Waves (Stage 08 -Mariner-) 2:21 281 4.73 $0.16
25 The South Pole (Stage 09 -South Pole-) 2:27 299 5.27 $0.16
26 Climb The Tower (Stage 10 -Tower-) 2:46 272 5.42 $0.16
27 Out Of Control (Stage 11 -Tower Rooftop 1: Lugus-) 2:06 282 4.24 $0.16
28 Shout Of Sadness (Stage 11 -Tower Rooftop 2: Flieu-) 2:05 289 4.31 $0.16
29 Escape Velocity (Minigame -P.O.W. Escape-) 2:14 291 4.68 $0.16
30 Various Bosses (Various Bosses) 1:58 289 4.10 $0.16
31 Mission Clear (Mission Clear) 0:12 219 0.33 $0.16
32 Combat Beginning (Movie Demo 1) 1:50 265 3.48 $0.16
33 Doubtful Castle (Movie Demo 2) 0:35 250 1.05 $0.16
34 Secret In Iceberg (Movie Demo 3) 0:26 259 0.80 $0.16
35 Living Thing That Goes Mad (Movie Demo 4) 1:07 285 2.29 $0.16
36 Scientist's Fate (Movie Demo 5) 0:39 252 1.18 $0.16
37 The Result Is All (Result Screen) 0:38 262 1.22 $0.16
38 People Who Had A Hard Time (Staff Roll) 3:04 274 6.01 $0.16
39 Game Over (Game Over -Retry Screen-) 0:12 215 0.33 $0.16
40 Unused Tune (Unused Tune) 2:30 303 5.44 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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Discography of Toshikazu Tanaka

Album title Year Tracks Bitrate Price Order
Buy Metal Slug Complete Sound Box CD6 Metal Slug Complete Sound Box CD6 2006 16 275 $2.56
Buy Metal Slug Complete Sound Box CD5 Metal Slug Complete Sound Box CD5 2006 19 241 $3.04


  • Artists: 169775
  • Albums: 654624
  • Tracks: 7214664
  • Storage: 62752 GB


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