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Buy Henry Purcell: The Fairy Queen CD2

The Scholars Baroque Ensemble - Henry Purcell: The Fairy Queen CD2

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 1994
  • Duration: 73:37
  • Size, Mb: 169.17
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $5.76$5.76

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Act IV. Symphony 6:24 320 14.69 $0.16
02 Act IV. 'now The Night Is Chas'd Away' 2:02 320 4.66 $0.16
03 Act IV. 'let The Fifes, And The Clarions, And Shrill Trumpets Sound' 1:28 320 3.36 $0.16
04 Act IV. Entry Of Phoebus 0:38 320 1.46 $0.16
05 Act IV. 'when A Cruel Long Winter Has Frozen The Earth' 2:50 320 6.49 $0.16
06 Act IV. 'hail! Great Parent Of Us All' 1:53 320 4.34 $0.16
07 Act IV. 'thus The Ever Grateful Spring' 2:01 320 4.65 $0.16
08 Act IV. 'here's The Summer, Sprightly, Gay' 1:09 320 2.66 $0.16
09 Act IV. 'see My Many Colour'd Fields' 2:36 320 5.96 $0.16
10 Act IV. 'next Winter Comes Slowly, Pale, Meager, And Old' 2:38 320 6.06 $0.16
11 Act IV. 'hail! Great Parent Of Us All' 1:57 320 4.50 $0.16
12 Act V. Prelude 1:07 320 2.56 $0.16
13 Act V. 'thrice Happy Lovers, May You Be' 2:51 320 6.56 $0.16
14 Act V. 'o Let Me Ever, Ever Weep' 7:04 320 16.18 $0.16
15 Act V. Symphony 0:50 320 1.91 $0.16
16 Act V. 'thus The Gloomy World' 4:21 320 9.96 $0.16
17 Act V. 'thus Happy And Free' 1:02 320 2.40 $0.16
18 Act V. 'yes, Xansi, In Your Looks I Find' 2:22 320 5.44 $0.16
19 Act V. Monkeys' Dance 0:54 320 2.08 $0.16
20 Act V. 'hark! How All Things In One Sound Rejoice' 2:02 320 4.67 $0.16
21 Act V. 'hark! How The Echoing Air A Triumph Sings' 2:35 320 5.92 $0.16
22 Act V. 'sure The Dull God Of Marriage Does Not Hear' 2:56 320 6.74 $0.16
23 Act V. Prelude 0:19 320 0.75 $0.16
24 Act V. 'see, See, I Obey' 2:14 320 5.14 $0.16
25 Act V. 'turn Then The Eyes Upon Those Glories There' 1:31 320 3.48 $0.16
26 Act V. 'my Torch, Indeed, Will From Such Brightness Shine' 1:04 320 2.48 $0.16
27 Act V. Chaconne. The Grand Dance 2:44 320 6.27 $0.16
28 Act V. 'they Shall Be As Happy As They're Fair' 2:08 320 4.92 $0.16
29 Appendix. First Musick Prelude 1:49 320 4.18 $0.16
30 Appendix. First Musick Hornpipe 0:57 320 2.19 $0.16
31 Appendix. Second Musick Air 0:56 320 2.14 $0.16
32 Appendix. Second Musick Rondeau 1:27 320 3.32 $0.16
33 Appendix. Second Act Tune. Air 1:17 320 2.95 $0.16
34 Appendix. Fourth Act Tune. Air 0:57 320 2.20 $0.16
35 Appendix. Third Act Tune. Hornpipe 0:59 320 2.26 $0.16
36 Appendix. Entry Dance 1:35 320 3.63 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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Discography of The Scholars Baroque Ensemble

Album title Year Tracks Bitrate Price Order
Buy Henry Purcell: The Fairy Queen CD1 Henry Purcell: The Fairy Queen CD1 1994 23 320 $3.68


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