Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / L / Leonard Bernstein / Sacred Music: 19Th And 20th Centuries (3) CD27
Buy Sacred Music: 19Th And 20th Centuries (3) CD27

Leonard Bernstein - Sacred Music: 19Th And 20th Centuries (3) CD27

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2009
  • Duration: 71:14
  • Size, Mb: 164.80
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $3.84$3.84

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Quatre Motets Pour Un Temps De Pénitence: Timor Et Tremor 3:20 320 7.71 $0.16
02 Quatre Motets Pour Un Temps De Pénitence: Vinea Mea Electa 3:39 320 8.44 $0.16
03 Quatre Motets Pour Un Temps De Pénitence: Tenebrae Factae Sunt 4:39 320 10.73 $0.16
04 Quatre Motets Pour Un Temps De Pénitence: Tristis Est Anima Mea 3:33 320 8.19 $0.16
05 Quatre Motets Pour Le Temps De Noël: O Magnum Mysterium 3:05 320 7.13 $0.16
06 Quatre Motets Pour Le Temps De Noël: Quem Vidistis Pastores Dicites 2:42 320 6.25 $0.16
07 Quatre Motets Pour Le Temps De Noël: Videntes Stellam 3:17 320 7.60 $0.16
08 Quatre Motets Pour Le Temps De Noël: Hodie Christus Natus Est 2:25 320 5.62 $0.16
09 Messe En Sol Majeur: I.Kyrie 3:13 320 7.42 $0.16
10 Messe En Sol Majeur: II. Gloria 4:07 320 9.49 $0.16
11 Messe En Sol Majeur: III. Sanctus 2:34 320 5.94 $0.16
12 Messe En Sol Majeur: IV. Benedictus 3:39 320 8.41 $0.16
13 Messe En Sol Majeur: V. Agnus Dei 4:54 320 11.28 $0.16
14 Mass. I. Devotions Before Mass: 1. Antiphon: "Kyrie Eleison" 2:28 320 5.71 $0.16
15 Mass. I. Devotions Before Mass: 2. Hymn And Psalm: A Simple Song 3:46 320 8.69 $0.16
16 Mass. I. Devotions Before Mass: 3. Responsory: "Alleluia" 1:07 320 2.64 $0.16
17 Mass. II. First Introit (Rondo): 1. Prefatory Prayers 5:06 320 11.75 $0.16
18 Mass. II. First Introit (Rondo): 2. Thrice - Triple Canon: Dominus Vobiscum 0:42 320 1.67 $0.16
19 Mass. III. Second Introit: 1. In Nomine Patris 2:03 320 4.77 $0.16
20 Mass. III. Second Introit: 2. Prayer For The Congregation (Chorale: "Almighty Father") 1:39 320 3.84 $0.16
21 Mass. III. Second Introit: 3. Epiphany 0:56 320 2.20 $0.16
22 Mass. IV. Confession: 1. Confiteor 2:10 320 5.05 $0.16
23 Mass. IV. Confession: 2. Trope: "I Don't Know" 1:30 320 3.52 $0.16
24 Mass. IV. Confession: 3. Trope: "Easy" 4:40 320 10.75 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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