Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / T / The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists / Bach Cantatas, Vol. 4 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1
Buy Bach Cantatas, Vol. 4 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1

The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists - Bach Cantatas, Vol. 4 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2009
  • Duration: 53:42
  • Size, Mb: 123.17
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $2.08$2.08
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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Buy Bach Cantatas, Vol. 17 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Bach Cantatas, Vol. 17 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2007 14 320 $2.24
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Buy Bach Cantatas, Vol. 26 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Bach Cantatas, Vol. 26 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2006 25 320 $4.00
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Buy Bach Cantatas, Vol. 24 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Bach Cantatas, Vol. 24 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2005 21 320 $3.36
Buy Bach Cantatas, Vol. 8 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Bach Cantatas, Vol. 8 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2005 24 320 $3.84
Buy Bach Cantatas, Vol. 1 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 Bach Cantatas, Vol. 1 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD1 2005 24 320 $3.84
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Buy Bach Cantatas, Vol. 9 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Bach Cantatas, Vol. 9 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2000 20 320 $3.20
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Buy Bach Cantatas, Vol. 3 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 Bach Cantatas, Vol. 3 (Under John Eliot Gardiner) CD2 2000 19 320 $3.04
  • Full list


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