Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / J / Julian Bream / Lute Music from the Royal Courts of Europe
Buy Lute Music from the Royal Courts of Europe

Julian Bream - Lute Music from the Royal Courts of Europe

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2000
  • Duration: 61:55
  • Size, Mb: 56.91
  • Bitrate: 128
  • Price for album $2.70$2.70

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Landgrave of Hesse: Pavan 5:27 128 4.99 $0.10
02 Molinaro: Saltarello 1:14 128 1.13 $0.10
03 Molinaro: Ballo detto Il Conte Orlando 2:15 128 2.06 $0.10
04 Molinaro: Saltarello 1:12 128 1.11 $0.10
05 Molinaro: Fantasia 3:04 128 2.81 $0.10
06 Phillips: Pavan 4:27 128 4.09 $0.10
07 Phillips: Galliard 2:25 128 2.23 $0.10
08 Dowland: Fantasia 2:37 128 2.41 $0.10
09 Dowland: Queen Elizabeth's Galliard 1:29 128 1.36 $0.10
10 Howett: Fantasia 4:57 128 4.54 $0.10
11 Dlugoraj: Fantasia 2:18 128 2.12 $0.10
12 Dlugoraj: Finale 1:09 128 1.06 $0.10
13 Dlugoraj: Villanella No. 1 1:12 128 1.10 $0.10
14 Dlugoraj: Villanella No. 2 2:27 128 2.25 $0.10
15 Dlugoraj: Finale 2 0:40 128 0.62 $0.10
16 Ferrabosco II: Pavan 4:08 128 3.79 $0.10
17 Neusidler: Mein Herz hat sich mit Lieb' verpflicht 2:29 128 2.28 $0.10
18 Neusidler: Hie' folget ein welscher Tanz 0:55 128 0.85 $0.10
19 Neusidler: Ich klag' den Tag 1:20 128 1.24 $0.10
20 Der Juden Tanz 1:15 128 1.16 $0.10
21 Bakfark: Fantasia 3:47 128 3.48 $0.10
22 Besard: Air de Cour 1:56 128 1.78 $0.10
23 Besard: Branle 1:12 128 1.11 $0.10
24 Besard: Guillemette 1:20 128 1.23 $0.10
25 Besard: Volte 1:14 128 1.13 $0.10
26 Dowland: Forlorn Hope Fancy 4:05 128 3.75 $0.10
27 Dowland: My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home 1:21 128 1.24 $0.10
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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