Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / T / The Beatles / The Red Light's On 1 CD1
Buy The Red Light's On 1 CD1

The Beatles - The Red Light's On 1 CD1

Classic Rock
  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2009
  • Duration: 79:43
  • Size, Mb: 188.39
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $6.56$6.56

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 How Do You Do It - Take 2 1:57 320 4.62 $0.16
02 There's A Place - Take 1 2:07 320 4.98 $0.16
03 There's A Place - Take 2 2:04 320 4.87 $0.16
04 There's A Place - Takes 3 + 4 2:11 320 5.13 $0.16
05 There's A Place - Takes 5 + 6 2:19 320 5.43 $0.16
06 There's A Place - Takes 7 + 8 2:43 320 6.35 $0.16
07 There's A Place - Take 9 2:02 320 4.81 $0.16
08 There's A Place - Take 10 1:58 320 4.63 $0.16
09 I Saw Her Standing There - Take 1 3:04 320 7.19 $0.16
10 I Saw Her Standing There - Take 2 3:07 320 7.29 $0.16
11 I Saw Her Standing There - Take 3 0:34 320 1.44 $0.16
12 I Saw Her Standing There - Take 4 0:43 320 1.80 $0.16
13 I Saw Her Standing There - Take 5 0:57 320 2.31 $0.16
14 I Saw Her Standing There - Takes 6-9 4:59 320 11.56 $0.16
15 Do You Want To Know A Secret - Take 7 2:05 320 4.92 $0.16
16 Do You Want To Know A Secret - Take 8 2:37 320 6.15 $0.16
17 A Taste Of Honey - Take 6 2:09 320 5.07 $0.16
18 A Taste Of Honey - Take 7 2:11 320 5.13 $0.16
19 There's A Place - Take 11 2:05 320 4.91 $0.16
20 There's A Place - Takes 12 + 13 2:26 320 5.73 $0.16
21 I Saw Her Standing There - Take 10 3:00 320 7.00 $0.16
22 I Saw Her Standing There - Takes 11 + 12 3:38 320 8.46 $0.16
23 Misery - Take 1 1:55 320 4.53 $0.16
24 Misery - Takes 2-6 4:51 320 11.26 $0.16
25 Misery - Take 7 1:54 320 4.48 $0.16
26 Misery - Take 8 0:27 320 1.18 $0.16
27 From Me To You - Takes 1 + 2 3:26 320 8.01 $0.16
28 From Me To You - Take 3 1:56 320 4.58 $0.16
29 From Me To You - Take 4 1:51 320 4.38 $0.16
30 From Me To You - Take 5 2:15 320 5.29 $0.16
31 From Me To You - Takes 6 + 7 2:16 320 5.33 $0.16
32 From Me To You - Take 8 Announcement 0:06 320 0.37 $0.16
33 From Me To You - Master Edit From Takes 12 + 8 / 10 2:05 320 4.91 $0.16
34 From Me To You - Take 8 Remnants 0:18 320 0.84 $0.16
35 From Me To You - Take 9 Remnant 0:28 320 1.22 $0.16
36 From Me To You - Take 10 Remnanat 0:12 320 0.60 $0.16
37 From Me To You - Take 11 0:21 320 0.94 $0.16
38 From Me To You - Take 12 Remnant 0:08 320 0.45 $0.16
39 From Me To You - Take 13 0:23 320 1.03 $0.16
40 From Me To You (Master Edit) (Barrett Mix) 1:58 320 4.65 $0.16
41 From Me To You - Edit Of Takes 8-10 1:57 320 4.59 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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