Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / G / George Crumb / Quest (By Speculum Musicae, Under William Purvis)
Buy Quest (By Speculum Musicae, Under William Purvis)

George Crumb - Quest (By Speculum Musicae, Under William Purvis)

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 1996
  • Duration: 58:45
  • Size, Mb: 134.93
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $3.52$3.52

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Refrain 1 0:53 320 2.06 $0.16
02 I. Dark Paths 4:26 320 10.15 $0.16
03 II. Fugitive Sounds 2:11 320 5.02 $0.16
04 Refrain 2 0:40 320 1.55 $0.16
05 III. Forgoten Dirges 4:10 320 9.56 $0.16
06 IV. Fugitive Sounds 0:58 320 2.25 $0.16
07 Refrain 3 1:01 320 2.35 $0.16
08 V. Nocturnal 9:58 320 22.83 $0.16
09 La Senorita Del Abanico 2:03 320 4.73 $0.16
10 La Tarde 2:00 320 4.60 $0.16
11 Cancion Cantada 1:25 320 3.28 $0.16
12 Caracola 2:40 320 6.13 $0.16
13 El Lagarto Esta Llorando 2:14 320 5.13 $0.16
14 Cancioncilla Sevillana 2:00 320 4.60 $0.16
15 Cancion Tonta 1:44 320 3.98 $0.16
16 1. Notturno I: Giocoso, Estatico 3:20 320 7.64 $0.16
17 2. Notturno II: ''piccola Serenata'' 1:44 320 3.97 $0.16
18 3. Notturno III: ''la Luna Asoma'' 3:01 320 6.91 $0.16
19 4. Notturno IV: Vivace, Molto Ritmico 2:17 320 5.26 $0.16
20 5. Notturno V: ''gacela De La Terrible Presencia'' 5:47 320 13.24 $0.16
21 6. Notturno VI: ''barcarola'' 2:07 320 4.87 $0.16
22 7. Notturno VII: Giocoso, Estatico 2:06 320 4.83 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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