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Buy Walt Disney Records - The Legacy Collection: Toy Story CD1

VA - Walt Disney Records - The Legacy Collection: Toy Story CD1

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2015
  • Duration: 66:45
  • Size, Mb: 125.58
  • Bitrate: 256
  • Price for album $8.16$8.16

Track List

Artist - Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Randy Newman - Opening 1:28 256 2.75 $0.16
02 Randy Newman - You've Got A Friend In Me (Remastered 2015) 2:04 256 3.86 $0.16
03 Randy Newman - Andy's Birthday Is Today 0:42 256 1.36 $0.16
04 Randy Newman - They're Alive! 1:12 256 2.25 $0.16
05 Randy Newman - ''staff Meeting Everybody!'' 0:43 256 1.39 $0.16
06 Randy Newman - ''you Too, Bo Peep'' 0:39 256 1.25 $0.16
07 Randy Newman - Andy's Birthday Party 1:33 256 2.89 $0.16
08 Randy Newman - Code Red 1:30 256 2.81 $0.16
09 Randy Newman - A Good Soldier Never Leaves A Man Behind 0:37 256 1.19 $0.16
10 Randy Newman - Presents - Who Invited That Kid 1:19 256 2.48 $0.16
11 Randy Newman - Surprise Present 1:09 256 2.18 $0.16
12 Randy Newman - “what Are You Doing Under The Bed” 0:22 256 0.75 $0.16
13 Randy Newman - Buzz Revealed 1:07 256 2.11 $0.16
14 Randy Newman - Buzz Flies 0:44 256 1.42 $0.16
15 Randy Newman - Strange Things (Remastered 2015) 3:25 256 6.31 $0.16
16 Randy Newman - Woody - Bo Peep 0:20 256 0.67 $0.16
17 Randy Newman - Sid 1:22 256 2.56 $0.16
18 Randy Newman - Virtual Realty 0:17 256 0.59 $0.16
19 Randy Newman - Woody Plots 0:58 256 1.83 $0.16
20 Randy Newman - Rube Globeburg 0:25 256 0.83 $0.16
21 Randy Newman - “woody Did It!” 1:07 256 2.11 $0.16
22 Randy Newman - Rescue Attempt 1:11 256 2.23 $0.16
23 Randy Newman - “buzz, You're Alive!” 0:33 256 1.06 $0.16
24 Randy Newman - Buzz And Woody Fight 0:35 256 1.13 $0.16
25 Randy Newman - Buzz's Mission 0:20 256 0.66 $0.16
26 Randy Newman - “it's A Spaceship, Buzz” 0:58 256 1.84 $0.16
27 Randy Newman - Pizza Planet Rock 0:37 256 1.20 $0.16
28 Randy Newman - “what Hello A Space Port!” 1:28 256 2.76 $0.16
29 Randy Newman - The Claw 2:18 256 4.27 $0.16
30 Randy Newman - Dr. Sid 1:09 256 2.17 $0.16
31 Randy Newman - Mutant Toys 1:12 256 2.27 $0.16
32 Randy Newman - Woody's Gone 0:52 256 1.64 $0.16
33 Randy Newman - “sorry Guys, Dinner's Canceled” 0:53 256 1.67 $0.16
34 Randy Newman - Scud 0:45 256 1.43 $0.16
35 Randy Newman - Buzz Lightyear Commercial 0:54 256 1.71 $0.16
36 Randy Newman - I Will Go Sailing No More (Remastered 2015) 3:02 256 5.61 $0.16
37 Randy Newman - Out The Window 0:45 256 1.45 $0.16
38 Randy Newman - Sid's Toys Fix Buzz 1:29 256 2.78 $0.16
39 Randy Newman - The Big One 1:23 256 2.61 $0.16
40 Randy Newman - Sad Andy 0:47 256 1.49 $0.16
41 Randy Newman - “buzz, I Need Your Help” 2:16 256 4.22 $0.16
42 Randy Newman - Working Together (Leads To Failure) 0:45 256 1.44 $0.16
43 Randy Newman - The Rescue, Pt. 1 3:41 256 6.82 $0.16
44 Randy Newman - Sid Counts Down 1:09 256 2.17 $0.16
45 Randy Newman - The Rescue, Pt. 2 - Play Nice, Sid 1:30 256 2.82 $0.16
46 Randy Newman - Chasing The Van 1:42 256 3.19 $0.16
47 Randy Newman - Rc To The Rescue 2:28 256 4.59 $0.16
48 Randy Newman - To Infinity And Beyond 2:12 256 4.11 $0.16
49 Randy Newman - Together Again And A Very Merry Christmas 1:47 256 3.34 $0.16
50 Randy Newman & Lyle Lovett - You've Got A Friend In Me (Remastered 2015) 2:40 256 4.94 $0.16
51 Randy Newman - End Credits 2:21 256 4.38 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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