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Buy Walt Disney Records - The Legacy Collection: Mary Poppins CD2

VA - Walt Disney Records - The Legacy Collection: Mary Poppins CD2

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2014
  • Duration: 48:36
  • Size, Mb: 90.94
  • Bitrate: 256
  • Price for album $3.68$3.68

Track List

Artist - Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Richard M. Sherman & Robert B. Sherman - The Perfect Nanny (Pre-Demo) 1:11 256 2.24 $0.16
02 Richard M. Sherman & Robert B. Sherman - Jolly Holiday (Pre-Demo) 2:05 256 3.91 $0.16
03 Richard M. Sherman & Robert B. Sherman - The Pearly Song (Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious) (Pre-Demo) 1:30 256 2.83 $0.16
04 Richard M. Sherman - Stay Awake (Pre-Demo) 1:33 256 2.92 $0.16
05 Richard M. Sherman & Robert B. Sherman - Chim Chim Cher-Ee (Pre-Demo) 2:39 256 4.94 $0.16
06 Richard M. Sherman & Robert B. Sherman - I Love To Laugh (Pre-Demo) 2:06 256 3.92 $0.16
07 Richard M. Sherman - Tuppence A Bag (Feed The Birds (Tuppence A Bag)) (Pre-Demo) 2:55 256 5.42 $0.16
08 Richard M. Sherman - Let's Go Fly A Kite (Pre-Demo) 1:45 256 3.28 $0.16
09 Richard M. Sherman & Robert B. Sherman - Mary Poppins Melody (Pre-Demo) 1:07 256 2.12 $0.16
10 Kate Higgins - Mary Poppins Melody 2:06 256 3.93 $0.16
11 Richard M. Sherman - Admiral Boom (Demo) 1:15 256 2.38 $0.16
12 Randy Crenshaw, Dennis Kyle & Jeff Gunn - Admiral Boom 1:56 256 3.61 $0.16
13 Richard M. Sherman & Robert B. Sherman - The Right Side (Pre-Demo) 2:26 256 4.55 $0.16
14 Juliana Hansen - The Right Side 2:35 256 4.83 $0.16
15 Richard M. Sherman - The Chimpanzoo (Demo) 1:06 256 2.10 $0.16
16 Bob Joyce, Jeff Gunn, Randy Crenshaw & Dennis Kyle - The Chimpanzoo 1:59 256 3.72 $0.16
17 Richard M. Sherman & Robert B. Sherman - The Land Of Sand (Pre-Demo) 1:34 256 2.97 $0.16
18 Jeff Gunn, Bob Joyce, Kate Higgins & Juliana Hansen - The Land Of Sand 2:32 256 4.72 $0.16
19 Richard M. Sherman - The North Pole Polka (Pre-Demo) 1:43 256 3.22 $0.16
20 Bob Joyce, Jeff Gunn, Randy Crenshaw, Kate Higgins & Richard M. Sherman - The North Pole Polka 2:11 256 4.09 $0.16
21 Richard M. Sherman - The Eyes Of Love (Pre-Demo) 2:45 256 5.13 $0.16
22 Juliana Hansen - The Eyes Of Love 3:31 256 6.53 $0.16
23 Richard M. Sherman & Robert B. Sherman - Overture - Mary Poppins (Instrumental) 4:06 256 7.60 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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