Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / R / Robin Holloway / Violin & Horn Concertos (Kovacic, Tuckwell, Scottish Co, Bamert)
Buy Violin & Horn Concertos (Kovacic, Tuckwell, Scottish Co, Bamert)

Robin Holloway - Violin & Horn Concertos (Kovacic, Tuckwell, Scottish Co, Bamert)

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2003
  • Duration: 39:03
  • Size, Mb: 53.82
  • Bitrate: 192
  • Price for album $2.40$2.40

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Violin Concerto, Op.70 (1990) 1. Opening 2:13 192 3.06 $0.16
02 Violin Concerto, Op.70 (1990) 2. Windows I-III 3:16 192 4.49 $0.16
03 Violin Concerto, Op.70 (1990) 3. 1St Scherzo Return & Window IV 2:55 192 4.02 $0.16
04 Violin Concerto, Op.70 (1990) 4. Trio, 1St Scherzo Return & Window V 2:29 192 3.43 $0.16
05 Violin Concerto, Op.70 (1990) 5. Window VI & Link To Slow M 1:57 192 2.69 $0.16
06 Violin Concerto, Op.70 (1990) 6. Slow Movement 5:31 192 7.59 $0.16
07 Violin Concerto, Op.70 (1990) 7. Continuation 1:36 192 2.21 $0.16
08 Violin Concerto, Op.70 (1990) 8. 2Nd Scherzo (Pt. 1) 1:54 192 2.62 $0.16
09 Violin Concerto, Op.70 (1990) 9. Window VII 1:25 192 1.97 $0.16
10 Violin Concerto, Op.70 (1990) 10. 2Nd Scherzo (Pt. 2) 2:35 192 3.55 $0.16
11 Violin Concerto, Op.70 (1990) 11. 2Nd Scherzo (Pt. 3) 2:30 192 3.44 $0.16
12 Violin Concerto, Op.70 (1990) 12. Climax & Fall 2:15 192 3.10 $0.16
13 Violin Concerto, Op.70 (1990) 13. Window IX 2:10 192 3.00 $0.16
14 Violin Concerto, Op.70 (1990) 14. Cadenza 4:12 192 5.78 $0.16
15 Violin Concerto, Op.70 (1990) 15. Coda 2:05 192 2.88 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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Discography of Robin Holloway

Album title Year Tracks Bitrate Price Order
Buy Gilded Goldbergs CD2 Gilded Goldbergs CD2 2002 17 320 $2.72
Buy Gilded Goldbergs CD1 Gilded Goldbergs CD1 2002 16 320 $2.56


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