Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / V / VA / BBC Radiophonic Music (Reissued 2008)
Buy BBC Radiophonic Music (Reissued 2008)

VA - BBC Radiophonic Music (Reissued 2008)

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 1968
  • Duration: 47:06
  • Size, Mb: 112.62
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $5.28$5.28

Track List

Artist - Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 David Cain - Radio Sheffield 0:41 320 1.71 $0.16
02 John Baker - Radio Nottingham 1:21 320 3.22 $0.16
03 John Baker - Boys And Girls 1:02 320 2.50 $0.16
04 Delia Derbyshire - Mattachin 1:15 320 2.99 $0.16
05 Delia Derbyshire - Pot Au Feu 3:21 320 7.80 $0.16
06 John Baker - Time And Tune 0:25 320 1.11 $0.16
07 John Baker - Tomorrow's World 1:10 320 2.80 $0.16
08 John Baker - Reading Your Letters 0:14 320 0.68 $0.16
09 Delia Derbyshire - Blue Veils And Golden Sands 3:33 320 8.26 $0.16
10 John Baker - The Missing Jewel 1:03 320 2.56 $0.16
11 David Cain - Airbeat 0:40 320 1.66 $0.16
12 John Baker - Fresh Start 0:27 320 1.19 $0.16
13 John Baker - Christmas Commercial 0:48 320 1.98 $0.16
14 John Baker - Sea Sports 0:50 320 2.07 $0.16
15 Delia Derbyshire - The Delian Mode 5:38 320 13.04 $0.16
16 Delia Derbyshire - Happy Birthday 0:36 320 1.52 $0.16
17 John Baker - The Frogs Wooing 0:40 320 1.67 $0.16
18 John Baker - Milky Way 1:44 320 4.10 $0.16
19 John Baker - Structures 3:02 320 7.09 $0.16
20 John Baker - New Worlds 0:46 320 1.90 $0.16
21 Delia Derbyshire - Ziwzih Ziwzih 00-00-00 1:50 320 4.33 $0.16
22 John Baker - Festival Time 0:30 320 1.31 $0.16
23 John Baker - The Chase 1:45 320 4.14 $0.16
24 Delia Derbyshire - Towards Tomorrow 1:11 320 2.86 $0.16
25 John Baker - Quiz Time 0:59 320 2.40 $0.16
26 John Baker - P.I.G.S. 0:52 320 2.14 $0.16
27 David Cain - Autumn And Winter 2:03 320 4.86 $0.16
28 Delia Derbyshire - Door To Door 0:30 320 1.29 $0.16
29 John Baker - Factors 0:38 320 1.58 $0.16
30 David Cain - War Of The Worlds 4:55 320 11.40 $0.16
31 David Cain - Crossbeat 0:30 320 1.28 $0.16
32 Delia Derbyshire - Air 1:43 320 4.09 $0.16
33 Delia Derbyshire - Time To Go 0:24 320 1.07 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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