Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / V / VA / Futures Vol. 3
Buy Futures Vol. 3

VA - Futures Vol. 3

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2016
  • Duration: 86:50
  • Size, Mb: 205.82
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $7.04$7.04

Track List

Artist - Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Dominic Pierce - Ice Coffee 2:11 320 5.15 $0.16
02 Rhakim Ali - Winter Solstice 1:32 320 3.68 $0.16
03 Bunko Stew - Up Outta Here 3:05 320 7.22 $0.16
04 Remy Vega - They Bloomed (Florecieron) 3:18 320 7.72 $0.16
05 Kawfee - Claudia 2:19 320 5.46 $0.16
06 Odeeno - Othrsdofpllow 1:16 320 3.08 $0.16
07 Apomorph - West Coast Love 1:55 320 4.53 $0.16
08 Awlnight - Enough 1:57 320 4.63 $0.16
09 Marleau - U Know The Drilly 2:05 320 4.93 $0.16
10 O Z . - Choco Jelly Sugar-Death Tart 1:57 320 4.62 $0.16
11 Unknwn User - 1Forodeeno 1:16 320 3.07 $0.16
12 Sahmbeau - Number 106 4:08 320 9.62 $0.16
13 2am - Senns Lehs 1:15 320 3.03 $0.16
14 Patterklear - Anitewithpattern 1:40 320 3.96 $0.16
15 B0Nds - First Glance 3:21 320 7.83 $0.16
16 Kaio - 5Thstar 1:07 320 2.71 $0.16
17 Jasperino - Cheap Motel 1:26 320 3.42 $0.16
18 Turner X Sun.Set - Ruckus 1:58 320 4.67 $0.16
19 Hooligunn.Holmes - Hyding 3:48 320 8.85 $0.16
20 Mozaic - Breathe 1:23 320 3.32 $0.16
21 SmĪ¹ka - Drape 2:29 320 5.85 $0.16
22 Skullkid X Spacewalk - Mosaic 2:36 320 6.10 $0.16
23 Mora. - Rabia 2:39 320 6.23 $0.16
24 Bdhd - Girl From Ocarina 2:42 320 6.32 $0.16
25 Tunatown - Dog 1:41 320 4.02 $0.16
26 Minthaze - Azul 2:28 320 5.82 $0.16
27 (Klsr) - Melancholy 2:02 320 4.81 $0.16
28 Sl Drft - Lightcoffee 1:24 320 3.35 $0.16
29 Dr. Alien - Party 2:34 320 6.02 $0.16
30 Wisdom - Earland's Jam 1:31 320 3.63 $0.16
31 Haise - Similar.Colors 3:21 320 7.83 $0.16
32 Niche - A Ship 1:25 320 3.42 $0.16
33 Bob Le Head - Dim 1:24 320 3.38 $0.16
34 Mousam - Shipyard 0:43 320 1.81 $0.16
35 Slumgod. - S I X B U L L E T 1:22 320 3.30 $0.16
36 Stowe - Owrd 1:23 320 3.33 $0.16
37 Nchnt - Blu 1:31 320 3.63 $0.16
38 Yen - Waves 1:16 320 3.08 $0.16
39 Arnaud - Daylight Disc 1:28 320 3.50 $0.16
40 Hikemah - Almost Here 1:31 320 3.65 $0.16
41 Tender Vigilante - Livindaylights 0:55 320 2.25 $0.16
42 Tides. - Shwdwn 1:38 320 3.91 $0.16
43 Fresco - Hazel 2:28 320 5.81 $0.16
44 Sol.Theory - Aura 1:22 320 3.29 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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