Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / T / The Yummy Fur / Kinky Cinema
Buy Kinky Cinema

The Yummy Fur - Kinky Cinema

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 1997
  • Duration: 69:39
  • Size, Mb: 65.96
  • Bitrate: 128
  • Price for album $9.60$9.60

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Documentary Of A Kid 0:51 128 0.82 $0.16
02 Amelia Soptophilia 0:42 128 0.67 $0.16
03 The Replica 1:09 128 1.08 $0.16
04 Xplosion 0:43 128 0.70 $0.16
05 Tracy Katz 0:42 128 0.67 $0.16
06 Car Park 1:21 128 1.27 $0.16
07 Male Slut 0:49 128 0.79 $0.16
08 Everything's Turning To Plastic 0:48 128 0.77 $0.16
09 British Sounds 0:52 128 0.82 $0.16
10 The Candy Darling Show 0:56 128 0.89 $0.16
11 Goosebump 1:35 128 1.49 $0.16
12 Frankenstein A-Go-Go 0:37 128 0.60 $0.16
13 Mondo Coyote 0:57 128 0.91 $0.16
14 Ice Cream Van 1:41 128 1.58 $0.16
15 British Children On Smack 1:20 128 1.26 $0.16
16 Hong Kong In Stereo 0:50 128 0.80 $0.16
17 Independent Pop Song 0:53 128 0.85 $0.16
18 Popcorn 0:28 128 0.47 $0.16
19 The Walt Disney Murder Club 0:36 128 0.58 $0.16
20 90's 2:07 128 1.97 $0.16
21 Shrinky-Dinc 0:53 128 0.84 $0.16
22 Cosmonauts And Carbonauts 0:50 128 0.80 $0.16
23 Gimme Cigarettes 0:53 128 0.85 $0.16
24 Policemanoid 1:45 128 1.64 $0.16
25 The Optical Meat Dress 0:49 128 0.78 $0.16
26 Gimmick 0:38 128 0.62 $0.16
27 Pop Art Documentary 2:16 128 2.10 $0.16
28 Found A Girlfriend 1:52 128 1.75 $0.16
29 Plastic Cowboy (New Wave) 1:55 128 1.79 $0.16
30 Father Ubu Repents 0:48 128 0.78 $0.16
31 Vanilla Minelli 0:31 128 0.51 $0.16
32 Fiery Jack 0:48 128 0.77 $0.16
33 Car Smash 2:43 128 2.52 $0.16
34 Kodak Nancy Euro'96 1:28 128 1.38 $0.16
35 I Am 'consumer Man' 2:32 128 2.35 $0.16
36 The Dummy 0:30 128 0.50 $0.16
37 Liliput 0:36 128 0.58 $0.16
38 Monophonic Yum-Yum 0:45 128 0.72 $0.16
39 Flappy Clown Garry 2:21 128 2.18 $0.16
40 Prostitutes 1:55 128 1.79 $0.16
41 Cabaret Punks 2:11 128 2.03 $0.16
42 Escape From Oz 1:35 128 1.49 $0.16
43 Mao Tse-Tung 0:40 128 0.64 $0.16
44 Eyeball Popping Madness 0:29 128 0.48 $0.16
45 Yummy Fur Vs. The Stooges 0:08 128 0.16 $0.16
46 The Monotony Song 0:49 128 0.79 $0.16
47 The Yummy Tummy 0:42 128 0.68 $0.16
48 Bugs Bunny 0:59 128 0.93 $0.16
49 Pink Pop Girls 0:47 128 0.76 $0.16
50 Discord 1:07 128 1.05 $0.16
51 Shaggy 0:59 128 0.93 $0.16
52 Amphetamine Education Movie 1:59 128 1.85 $0.16
53 Our Peppermint Scene 0:39 128 0.63 $0.16
54 Candy Clark 0:37 128 0.61 $0.16
55 Super-8 Recording 0:45 128 0.73 $0.16
56 Actress 1:42 128 1.59 $0.16
57 Theoretically Blue 3:08 128 2.91 $0.16
58 Saturday Night Mo-Mo 2:09 128 2.01 $0.16
59 Phoning The Fundus 0:43 128 0.69 $0.16
60 Brian At The Gates Of Dawn 0:46 128 0.74 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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Discography of The Yummy Fur

Album title Year Tracks Bitrate Price Order
Buy Male Shadow At Three O'clock Male Shadow At Three O'clock 1998 7 128 $1.12
Buy Sexy World Sexy World 1998 13 192 $2.08
Buy Night Club Night Club 1996 18 192 $2.88


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  • Albums: 653299
  • Tracks: 7201305
  • Storage: 62626 GB


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