Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / J / Jan Garbarek & the Hilliard Ensemble / Remember Me, My Dear (Live In Bellinzona / 2014)
Buy Remember Me, My Dear (Live In Bellinzona / 2014)

Jan Garbarek & the Hilliard Ensemble - Remember Me, My Dear (Live In Bellinzona / 2014)

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2019
  • Duration: 77:33
  • Size, Mb: 178.91
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $1.40$1.40

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Ov Zarmanali (Arr. Garbarek And The Hilliard Ensemble) (Live In Bellinzona / 2014) 6:00 320 13.83 $0.10
02 Procurans Odium (Arr. Garbarek And The Hilliard Ensemble) (Live In Bellinzona / 2014) 3:23 320 7.83 $0.10
03 Allting Finns (Live In Bellinzona / 2014) 4:00 320 9.26 $0.10
04 Litany (Arr. Garbarek And The Hilliard Ensemble) (Live In Bellinzona / 2014) 9:00 320 20.69 $0.10
05 Dostoino Est (Arr. Garbarek And The Hilliard Ensemble) (Live In Bellinzona / 2014) 3:16 320 7.58 $0.10
06 Sanctus (Arr. Garbarek And The Hilliard Ensemble) (Live In Bellinzona / 2014) 7:50 320 18.04 $0.10
07 Most Holy Mother Of God (Live In Bellinzona / 2014) 4:11 320 9.69 $0.10
08 Procedentem Sponsum (Arr. Garbarek And The Hilliard Ensemble) (Live In Bellinzona / 2014) 4:17 320 9.92 $0.10
09 Se Je Fayz Deuil (Arr. Garbarek And The Hilliard Ensemble) (Live In Bellinzona / 2014) 6:17 320 14.47 $0.10
10 Alleluia Nativitas (Arr. Garbarek And The Hilliard Ensemble) (Live In Bellinzona / 2014) 5:09 320 11.90 $0.10
11 O Ignis Spiritus (Arr. Garbarek And The Hilliard Ensemble) (Live In Bellinzona / 2014) 7:29 320 17.21 $0.10
12 We Are The Stars (Live In Bellinzona / 2014) 5:19 320 12.28 $0.10
13 Agnus Dei (Arr. Garbarek And The Hilliard Ensemble) (Live In Bellinzona / 2014) 6:10 320 14.20 $0.10
14 Remember Me, My Dear (Arr. Garbarek And The Hilliard Ensemble) (Live In Bellinzona / 2014) 5:12 320 12.02 $0.10
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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Discography of Jan Garbarek & the Hilliard Ensemble

Album title Year Tracks Bitrate Price Order
Buy Officium Novum Officium Novum 2010 12 320 $1.20


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