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Buy Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread - Fresh Bread

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2020
  • Duration: 286:58
  • Size, Mb: 459.35
  • Bitrate: 222
  • Price for album $10.72$10.72

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Japanese Loop Test 5 2:01 230 3.38 $0.16
02 Alto Voices 3:10 236 5.41 $0.16
03 Cruzin Wit 3:48 243 6.66 $0.16
04 Misty (Sam Gendel Concert Group - Live) 3:53 273 7.65 $0.16
05 Miss U Sonny 3:01 145 3.17 $0.16
06 Ha 4:03 143 4.20 $0.16
07 Homestyle Cookin 3:19 134 3.23 $0.16
08 Waraku3Test2 3:57 148 4.24 $0.16
09 Transparent Background 2:13 249 3.99 $0.16
10 They Be All Like 3:54 243 6.83 $0.16
11 Barn Dance 12:02 146 12.61 $0.16
12 Infant Eyes (Live In Japan) 6:59 224 11.25 $0.16
13 Afro Blue (Languid Version) (Live) / Unforgettable (Live) 14:41 242 25.48 $0.16
14 Himalayan Salt Add-On 2:23 140 2.44 $0.16
15 Slug 2:53 246 5.12 $0.16
16 Wo Ee O 4:35 252 8.31 $0.16
17 Shells, Tube, And Guitar (Sam Gendel And Carlos Niño) (Live In Japan) 6:54 246 12.20 $0.16
18 Satin Doll (Live On The Internet) 5:06 243 8.91 $0.16
19 06_Tape_Tiger 6:31 159 7.46 $0.16
20 Analog_Synth_1 (Live) 6:00 183 7.91 $0.16
21 Shrimpo 2:08 211 3.28 $0.16
22 Mask-Cash-Venmo 0:39 258 1.27 $0.16
23 Estate_Eternal_Loop 4:44 251 8.55 $0.16
24 Sometimes I Feel So Good 4:55 233 8.25 $0.16
25 Semi-Silent Way (Sg Concert Group) (Live) 4:03 221 6.46 $0.16
26 Iguana Queen 5:53 260 10.98 $0.16
27 Iguana King 6:39 250 11.95 $0.16
28 Mourning Dove 5:15 216 8.18 $0.16
29 Oriental Folk Song 5:01 244 8.80 $0.16
30 Impression Blues 4:36 248 8.21 $0.16
31 When I Am Laid In Earf 2:55 217 4.57 $0.16
32 Ugly Beauty 3:22 238 5.78 $0.16
33 Secure_Da_Bag (Extended) 6:39 235 11.24 $0.16
34 Deflating 4:05 294 8.64 $0.16
35 Waraku3_Test3 4:01 144 4.18 $0.16
36 干し芋 3:11 213 4.90 $0.16
37 Godblessthechild Demo 3:52 188 5.24 $0.16
38 Roomba 2:26 245 4.32 $0.16
39 Acordeón 5:34 259 10.37 $0.16
40 Trapland 1:21 241 2.39 $0.16
41 Broke Stick 1:53 184 2.54 $0.16
42 Junk_Theem (Sg Concert Group - Live) 5:06 248 9.10 $0.16
43 Alors 1:37 140 1.66 $0.16
44 P&P 2:12 233 3.71 $0.16
45 Steel String 3:47 238 6.50 $0.16
46 Sloth 6:53 231 11.42 $0.16
47 Taxi 4:08 223 6.65 $0.16
48 Macaw 6:21 255 11.64 $0.16
49 Bird Of Paradise 4:34 234 7.70 $0.16
50 Skip 1:24 242 2.48 $0.16
51 04 4 - Tape (Tiger) 5:09 159 5.91 $0.16
52 Sustain 4:22 240 7.55 $0.16
53 Fractl 4:59 194 6.97 $0.16
54 No. 5 (Trio - Carlos Niño, Jamire Williams, Sam Gendel) 7:18 267 14.00 $0.16
55 Twinkle Toes 2:13 222 3.57 $0.16
56 Nara Deer (Live In Japan, Duo With Carlos Niño) 4:35 243 8.02 $0.16
57 /Prəˈvərbēəl/ 1:11 260 2.27 $0.16
58 Wwaasshh (Live In Japan, Duo With Carlos Niño) 6:24 253 11.63 $0.16
59 Drunken Squeezebox 2:50 247 5.05 $0.16
60 Rep 6:29 240 11.19 $0.16
61 Coyotes (Live In Japan, Duo With Carlos Niño) 3:53 268 7.50 $0.16
62 Theretherethere 4:31 139 4.54 $0.16
63 Bo9Ahfelfax 3:20 146 3.53 $0.16
64 Contrapuntal Sh•• 1:33 243 2.74 $0.16
65 Champs Élysées 1:51 251 3.39 $0.16
66 Lilriffriff 3:06 244 5.47 $0.16
67 Lalraffraff 2:37 244 4.63 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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