Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / M / Murray Perahia / Plays Handel And Scarlatti
Buy Plays Handel And Scarlatti

Murray Perahia - Plays Handel And Scarlatti

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 1997
  • Duration: 68:48
  • Size, Mb: 160.35
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $3.52$3.52

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Handel: Suite No.5 In E Major, HWV 430 - 1. Prelude 1:53 320 4.46 $0.16
02 Handel: Suite No.5 In E Major, HWV 430 - 2. Allemande 2:00 320 4.70 $0.16
03 Handel: Suite No.5 In E Major, HWV 430 - 3. Courante 1:30 320 3.57 $0.16
04 Handel: Suite No.5 In E Major, HWV 430 - 4. Air With 5 Variations 'harmonious... 3:33 320 8.24 $0.16
05 Handel: Chaconne In G Major, Hwv435 7:58 320 18.36 $0.16
06 Handel: Suite No.3 In D Minor. HWV 428 - 1. Prelude 1:05 320 2.62 $0.16
07 Handel: Suite No.3 In D Minor. HWV 428 - 2. Allegro [Fugue] 2:21 320 5.52 $0.16
08 Handel: Suite No.3 In D Minor. HWV 428 - 3. Allemande 2:04 320 4.87 $0.16
09 Handel: Suite No.3 In D Minor. HWV 428 - 4. Courante 1:22 320 3.26 $0.16
10 Handel: Suite No.3 In D Minor. HWV 428 - 5. Air With 5 Variations 3:43 320 8.65 $0.16
11 Handel: Suite No.3 In D Minor. HWV 428 - 6. Presto 2:42 320 6.30 $0.16
12 Handel: Suite No.2 In F Major, HWV 427 - 1. Adagio 2:17 320 5.36 $0.16
13 Handel: Suite No.2 In F Major, HWV 427 - 2. Allegro 2:11 320 5.11 $0.16
14 Handel: Suite No.2 In F Major, HWV 427 - 3. Adagio 1:19 320 3.14 $0.16
15 Handel: Suite No.2 In F Major, HWV 427 - 4. Allegro [Fugue] 2:19 320 5.45 $0.16
16 Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata In D Major, K.491 5:25 320 12.52 $0.16
17 Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata In B Minor, K.27 3:42 320 8.58 $0.16
18 Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata In C-Sharp Minor, K.247 4:51 320 11.24 $0.16
19 Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata In D Major, K.29 4:34 320 10.59 $0.16
20 Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata In A Major, K.537 3:01 320 7.05 $0.16
21 Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata In E Major, K.206 5:53 320 13.58 $0.16
22 Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata In A Major, K.212 3:05 320 7.19 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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