Buy Igor Stravinsky - The New Stravinsky Complete Edition CD10

Ian Bostridge, Deborah York, Bryn Terfel, Anne Sofie Von Otter, Anne Howells, Martin Robson - Igor Stravinsky - The New Stravinsky Complete Edition CD10

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2021
  • Duration: 67:30
  • Size, Mb: 158.38
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $5.44$5.44

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - Prelude 0:31 320 1.31 $0.16
02 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - 'the Woods Are Green' 3:28 320 8.03 $0.16
03 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - 'anne, My Dear' 0:52 320 2.09 $0.16
04 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - 'here I Stand' - 'since It Is Not By Merit' 2:33 320 5.94 $0.16
05 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - 'tom Rakewell' 1:15 320 2.97 $0.16
06 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - 'fair Lady, Gracious Gentlemen' - 'i Wished But Once' 4:59 320 11.53 $0.16
07 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - 'i'll Call The Coachman, Sir' 0:10 321 0.50 $0.16
08 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - 'farewell For Now' 1:14 320 2.93 $0.16
09 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - 'all Is Ready, Sir' 0:45 320 1.85 $0.16
10 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - 'dear Father Trulove' - 'laughter And Light' 2:53 320 6.73 $0.16
11 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - 'with Air Commanding And Weapon Handy' 2:30 320 5.82 $0.16
12 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - Bryn Terfel, Ian Bostridge, Anne Howells - 'come, Tom' 3:17 320 7.63 $0.16
13 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - 'soon Dawn Will Glitter' 0:36 320 1.50 $0.16
14 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - Bryn Terfel - 'sisters Of Venus, Brothers Of Mars' 0:56 320 2.24 $0.16
15 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - 'love, Too Frequently Betrayed' 2:44 320 6.36 $0.16
16 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - 'how Sad A Song' 1:04 320 2.56 $0.16
17 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - 'the Sun Is Bright, The Grass Is Green' 2:05 320 4.89 $0.16
18 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - 'no Word From Tom' 1:56 320 4.52 $0.16
19 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - 'quietly, Night' 2:11 320 5.10 $0.16
20 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - 'my Father! Can I Desert Him' 1:00 320 2.41 $0.16
21 The Rake's Progress - Act 1 - 'i Go, I Go To Him' 2:49 320 6.56 $0.16
22 The Rake's Progress - Act 2 - 'vary The Song, O London, Change!' 2:50 320 6.62 $0.16
23 The Rake's Progress - Act 2 - 'nature, Green Unnatural Mother' 2:23 320 5.57 $0.16
24 The Rake's Progress - Act 2 - 'always The Quarry' 1:34 320 3.69 $0.16
25 The Rake's Progress - Act 2 - 'master, Are You Alone' 1:07 320 2.67 $0.16
26 The Rake's Progress - Act 2 - 'come Master, Observe The Host' 1:11 320 2.82 $0.16
27 The Rake's Progress - Act 2 - 'in Youth The Panting Slave' 1:58 320 4.63 $0.16
28 The Rake's Progress - Act 2 - 'my Tale Shall Be Told' 2:21 320 5.48 $0.16
29 The Rake's Progress - Act 2 - Introduction 1:50 320 4.32 $0.16
30 The Rake's Progress - Act 2 - Deborah York - 'how Strange' - 'o Heart Be Stronger' 3:28 320 8.04 $0.16
31 The Rake's Progress - Act 2 - Ian Bostridge, Deborah York - 'anne! Here!' 2:31 320 5.88 $0.16
32 The Rake's Progress - Act 2 - Anne Sofie Von Otter, Deborah York, Ian Bostridge - 'my Love, Am I To Remain In Here For Ever' 0:58 320 2.34 $0.16
33 The Rake's Progress - Act 2 - 'could It Then Have Been Known' 3:07 320 7.23 $0.16
34 The Rake's Progress - Act 2 - 'i Have Not Run Away' 2:24 320 5.61 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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