Buy The Mad Lover

Thomas Dunford & Théotime Langlois De Swarte - The Mad Lover

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2020
  • Duration: 80:10
  • Size, Mb: 187.34
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $4.48$4.48

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 The Mad Lover Suite: Ground. Aire V 3:41 320 8.58 $0.16
02 Sonata Sesta For Violino Solo: I. Adagio 1:57 320 4.58 $0.16
03 Sonata Sesta For Violino Solo: II. Allegro 0:59 320 2.39 $0.16
04 Sonata Sesta For Violino Solo: III. Adagio 2:22 320 5.55 $0.16
05 Sonata Sesta For Violino Solo: VI. Allegro 1:08 320 2.74 $0.16
06 Improvisation For Solo Lute 5:34 320 12.90 $0.16
07 Variations On La Folia 5:15 320 12.16 $0.16
08 Fantasia In A Minor ''alia Fantasia'' 4:06 320 9.50 $0.16
09 Suite In A Minor: V. Sarabanda Amorosa (Adagio) 2:28 320 5.78 $0.16
10 Diverse Bizzarrie Sopra La Vecchia Sarabanda O Pur Ciaccona 5:08 320 11.90 $0.16
11 Prelude In G Minor, Zn. 773 1:44 320 4.11 $0.16
12 Violin Sonata In G Minor: I. Grave 3:19 320 7.73 $0.16
13 Violin Sonata In G Minor: II. Courante 1:41 320 4.00 $0.16
14 Violin Sonata In G Minor: III. Adagio 2:08 320 5.03 $0.16
15 Violin Sonata In G Minor: IV. Vivace 1:03 320 2.54 $0.16
16 Suite In G Major: I. Preludio 1:28 320 3.47 $0.16
17 Suite In G Major: II. Grave 1:54 320 4.47 $0.16
18 Suite In G Major: III. Sarabanda 3:57 320 9.19 $0.16
19 Suite In G Major: IV. Aria Burlesca 2:21 320 5.52 $0.16
20 Suite In G Major: V. Capriccio 1:51 320 4.38 $0.16
21 Suite In G Major: VI. Giga Al Genio Turchesco 0:48 320 1.96 $0.16
22 Sonata Quinta In E Minor: I. Andante 3:29 320 8.10 $0.16
23 Sonata Quinta In E Minor: II. Courente 2:14 320 5.23 $0.16
24 Sonata Quinta In E Minor: III. Largo 5:31 320 12.76 $0.16
25 Sonata Quinta In E Minor: IV. Presto 2:25 320 5.66 $0.16
26 Fantasia In C Minor, ''con Discretione'' 4:47 320 11.09 $0.16
27 A New Division Upon The Ground Bass Of ''john Come And Kiss Me'' 4:51 320 11.26 $0.16
28 The Mad Lover Suite: Ground. Aire III 2:01 320 4.74 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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