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Buy The Complete Recording Sessions Anthology CD36

The Beatles - The Complete Recording Sessions Anthology CD36

Classic Rock
  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2004
  • Duration: 69:19
  • Size, Mb: 163.41
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $4.48$4.48

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Back In The Ussr (Take 6, RM1 - August 23Rd 1968) 3:04 320 7.17 $0.16
02 Dear Prudence (Backing Vocals - August 19Th 1968) 0:12 321 0.63 $0.16
03 Dear Prudence (S1 Onto Take 1 - August 29Th 1968) 4:02 320 9.39 $0.16
04 Dear Prudence (Take 1, RM1 Original - August 29Th 1968) 3:54 320 9.10 $0.16
05 By George It's The David Frost Theme - Intro- It's Now Or Never (September 4Th 1968) 0:50 320 2.07 $0.16
06 By George It's The David Frost Theme - Intro (September 4Th 1968) 1:00 320 2.46 $0.16
07 Hey Jude (UK Promo Film - September 4Th 1968) 7:05 320 16.39 $0.16
08 Hey Jude (Us Promo Film - September 4Th 1968) 7:12 320 16.64 $0.16
09 Hey Jude (Anthology Promo Film, RM '95 - September 4Th 1968) 7:03 320 16.29 $0.16
10 Revolution (Us - UK Promo Film - September 4Th 1968) 3:24 320 7.96 $0.16
11 Revolution (Anthology Promo Film, RM '95 - September 4Th 1968) 3:22 320 7.88 $0.16
12 Revolution (Promo Film Fragment - September 4Th 1968) 0:09 321 0.53 $0.16
13 Helter Skelter (Take 21, RM1 - September 10Th 1968) 3:42 320 8.65 $0.16
14 I Will (Take 1, RS '95 - September 16Th 1968) 1:56 320 4.58 $0.16
15 I Will (Take 35, RS '95 - September 16Th 1968) 2:32 320 5.95 $0.16
16 I Will (Take Unknwon, RM '95 - September 18Th 1968) 0:09 321 0.51 $0.16
17 Birthday (Take 22, RM1 - September 18Th 1968) 2:59 320 7.00 $0.16
18 Piggies (Take Unknown, RM '95 - September 19Th 1968) 0:15 321 0.74 $0.16
19 Happiness Is A Warm Gun (Take 65, S1 Track Only - September 25Th 1968) 2:50 320 6.64 $0.16
20 Glass Onion (Take 33, RM3 - September 26Th 1968) 2:08 320 5.06 $0.16
21 I'm So Tired (Edit Takes 3, 6 & 9 - October 8Th 1968) 2:13 320 5.24 $0.16
22 I'm So Tired (RS' 95 - October 8Th 1968) 1:57 320 4.65 $0.16
23 I'm So Tired (Take 14 - 8Th October 1968) 2:06 320 4.97 $0.16
24 I'm So Tired (Take 14, RM '95 - 8Th October 1968) 0:15 321 0.75 $0.16
25 Why Don't We Do It In The Road (Take 4, RM '95 - October 9Th 1968) 2:15 320 5.32 $0.16
26 Why Don't We Do It In The Road (Unknown Take - October 9Th 1968) 0:22 320 1.02 $0.16
27 Julia (Take 2 - October 13Th 1968) 1:59 320 4.71 $0.16
28 Julia (End Of Unknown Take From October 13Th 1968) 0:24 320 1.10 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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