Buy Contra-Tenor

Michael Spyres - Contra-Tenor

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2023
  • Duration: 72:48
  • Size, Mb: 168.29
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $2.40$2.40

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Persée, Lwv 60, Act 5: "Cessons De Redouter La Fortune Cruelle" (Persée) 1:26 320 3.40 $0.16
02 Persée, Lwv 60, Act 5: Passacaille 2:45 320 6.42 $0.16
03 Tamerlano, Hwv 18, Act 3: "E Il Soffrirete, D'onestade, Oh Numi?" - "Empio, Per Farti Guerra" (Bajazet) 4:25 320 10.21 $0.16
04 Artabano, Re De’ Parti, Rv 701, Act 3: "Cada Pur Sul Capo Audace" (Artabano) 4:00 320 9.26 $0.16
05 Catone In Utica, Act 1: "Si Sgomenti Alle Sue Pene" (Catone) 3:38 320 8.43 $0.16
06 Germanico In Germania, Act 1: "Nocchier, Che Mai Non Vide L'orror Della Tempesta" (Segeste) 3:53 320 9.00 $0.16
07 Achille In Sciro, Act 1: "Fra L'ombre Un Lampo Solo" (Ulisse) 8:16 320 19.03 $0.16
08 Alessandro Nell'indie, Act 1: "Vil Trofeo Dun Alma Imbelle" (Alessandro) 8:21 320 19.22 $0.16
09 Siroe, Re Di Persia, Act 1: "Se Il Mio Paterno Amore" (Cosroe) 6:12 320 14.29 $0.16
10 Arminio, Act 1: "Solcar Pensa Un Mar Sicuro" (Segeste) 5:11 320 11.96 $0.16
11 Naïs, Act 3: "Cessez De Ravager La Terre" (Neptune) 3:15 320 7.56 $0.16
12 Antigono, Act 1: "Tu M'involasti Un Regno" (Antigono) 6:15 320 14.41 $0.16
13 Orphée Et Eurydice Wq. 41, Act 4: "J'ai Perdu Mon Euridyce" (Orphée) 4:38 320 10.73 $0.16
14 Mitridate, Rè Di Ponto, K. 87, Act 1: "Se Di Lauri" (Mitridate) 5:18 320 12.25 $0.16
15 Roland, Act 1: "En Butte Aux Fureurs De L'orage" (Médor) 5:15 320 12.13 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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