Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / V / VA / Cinema Classics CD3
Buy Cinema Classics CD3

VA - Cinema Classics CD3

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2007
  • Duration: 70:57
  • Size, Mb: 95.04
  • Bitrate: 188
  • Price for album $2.10$2.10

Track List

Artist - Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
35 Boston Pops Orch. - The Raider's Theme (Jäger des verlorenen Schatzes) 5:11 190 7.06 $0.10
36 Berlin Cinema Orch. - Hauptthema (Das Boot) 3:11 192 4.39 $0.10
37 Berlin Cinema Orch. - Hauptthema (Blade Runner) 3:20 194 4.63 $0.10
38 Berlin Cinema Orch. - Hauptthema (Terminator) 3:24 189 4.61 $0.10
39 Mancini Pops Orch. - Hauptthema (Die Unbestechlichen) 2:31 185 3.35 $0.10
40 Berlin Cinema Orch. - Conquest of Paradise (1492-Conquest of Paradise) 4:48 179 6.16 $0.10
41 Berlin Cinema Orch. - Hauptthema (Basic Instinct) 2:11 183 2.86 $0.10
42 Berlin Cinema Orch. - Hauptthema (jurassic Park) 3:17 177 4.18 $0.10
43 Boston Pops Orch. - Remembrances (Schinders Liste) 6:25 185 8.50 $0.10
44 Berlin Cinema Orch. - Hauptthema (Waterworld) 2:18 193 3.19 $0.10
45 Berlin Cinema Orch. - Hauptthema (Braveheart) 2:56 191 4.01 $0.10
46 Berlin Cinema Orch. - Hauptthema (Mission Impossible) 3:24 226 5.50 $0.10
47 Berlin Cinema Orch. - Hauptthema (Independence Day) 3:22 180 4.34 $0.10
48 Berlin Cinema Orch. - Love Theme-My Heart Will Go On (Titanic) 4:38 181 6.02 $0.10
49 Berlin Cinema Orch. - Hauptthema (Armageddon) 3:05 170 3.75 $0.10
50 Berlin Cinema Orch. - Now We Are Free (Gladiator) 4:20 180 5.60 $0.10
51 Berlin Cinema Orch. - May It Be (Herr der Ringe) 3:33 172 4.37 $0.10
52 Berlin Cinema Orch. - Harry's Wondrows World (Harry Potter) 5:00 187 6.71 $0.10
53 Berlin Cinema Orch. - He's a Pirate (Fluch der Karibik) 1:24 219 2.22 $0.10
54 Berlin Cinema Orch. - Hauptthema (Matrix-Reloaded) 1:29 197 2.10 $0.10
55 Berlin Cinema Orch. - Hauptthema (King Kong) 1:10 177 1.50 $0.10
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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  • Artists: 169578
  • Albums: 653689
  • Tracks: 7205240
  • Storage: 62665 GB


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