Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / R / Richard Thomas / Jerry Springer - The Opera (director: Stewart Lee)
Buy Jerry Springer - The Opera (director: Stewart Lee)

Richard Thomas - Jerry Springer - The Opera (director: Stewart Lee)

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2003
  • Duration: 55:07
  • Size, Mb: 69.34
  • Bitrate: 175
  • Price for album $4.00$4.00

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Act I - Earth: Overtly-ture 3:32 182 4.61 $0.16
02 Act I - Earth: Audience Very Plainsong 0:46 173 0.96 $0.16
03 Act I - Earth: Ladies and Gentlemen 3:08 171 3.84 $0.16
04 Act I - Earth: Have Yourselves a Good Time 1:59 186 2.65 $0.16
05 Act I - Earth: Bigger than Oprah Winfrey 1:21 186 1.80 $0.16
06 Act I - Earth: Foursome Guests 2:26 170 2.97 $0.16
07 Act I - Earth: I've Been Seeing Someone Else 5:56 174 7.39 $0.16
08 Act I - Earth: Chick With a Dick 0:23 189 0.52 $0.16
09 Act I - Earth: Talk to the Hand 5:39 185 7.49 $0.16
10 Act I - Earth: Adverts 1 1:15 166 1.50 $0.16
11 Act I - Earth: Intro to Diaper Man 0:30 192 0.70 $0.16
12 Act I - Earth: Diaper Man 3:30 168 4.22 $0.16
13 Act I - Earth: Montel Cums Dirty 2:25 149 2.58 $0.16
14 Act I - Earth: This is my Jerry Springer Moment 1:50 169 2.24 $0.16
15 Act I - Earth: Mama Gimmee Smack on the Asshole 2:34 195 3.58 $0.16
16 Act I - Earth: I Wanna Sing Something Beautiful 1:25 155 1.58 $0.16
17 Act I - Earth: Adverts 2 1:24 187 1.89 $0.16
18 Act I - Earth: The First Time I Saw Jerry 1:01 142 1.05 $0.16
19 Act I - Earth: Backstage Scene 2:53 172 3.55 $0.16
20 Act I - Earth: Poledancer 1:54 173 2.36 $0.16
21 Act I - Earth: I Just Wanna Dance 2:30 168 3.02 $0.16
22 Act I - Earth: It Has No Name 1:08 173 1.41 $0.16
23 Act I - Earth: Some are Descended from Angels 2:05 165 2.47 $0.16
24 Act I - Earth: Jerrycam 0:47 171 0.98 $0.16
25 Act I - Earth: Klan Entrance / End of Act One 2:46 202 4.00 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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