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Buy Britten Conducts Britten Vol. 2: Operas II CD9

Benjamin Britten - Britten Conducts Britten Vol. 2: Operas II CD9

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2004
  • Duration: 71:42
  • Size, Mb: 165.71
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $2.40$2.40

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Gloriana - Act I - Scene I - Prelude 2:20 320 5.40 $0.10
02 Gloriana - Act I - Scene I - The Tournament 4:18 320 9.92 $0.10
03 Gloriana - Act I - Scene I - Recitative And Fight 1:25 320 3.30 $0.10
04 Gloriana - Act I - Scene I - Entrance Of The Queen 1:29 320 3.47 $0.10
05 Gloriana - Act I - Scene I - Recitative 1:07 320 2.64 $0.10
06 Gloriana - Act I - Scene I - The Two Lords' Explanation 1:24 320 3.26 $0.10
07 Gloriana - Act I - Scene I - Raleigh's Song 1:43 320 3.99 $0.10
08 Gloriana - Act I - Scene I - Ensemble Of Reconciliation 4:53 320 11.23 $0.10
09 Gloriana - Act I - Scene I - Recitative And Final March 1:32 320 3.59 $0.10
10 Gloriana - Act I - Scene II - Prelude And Dialogue 2:02 320 4.72 $0.10
11 Gloriana - Act I - Scene II - The Queen's Song 1:57 320 4.53 $0.10
12 Gloriana - Act I - Scene II - Cecil's Song Of Government 1:56 320 4.48 $0.10
13 Gloriana - Act I - Scene II - Recitative And Essex's Entry 2:35 320 5.99 $0.10
14 Gloriana - Act I - Scene II - First Lute Song 1:59 320 4.60 $0.10
15 Gloriana - Act I - Scene II - Second Lute Song 3:44 320 8.59 $0.10
16 Gloriana - Act I - Scene II - The First Duet For The Queen And Essex 4:12 320 9.69 $0.10
17 Gloriana - Act I - Scene II - Soliloquy And Prayer 5:17 320 12.18 $0.10
18 Gloriana - Act II - Scene I - Prelude And Welcome 4:03 320 9.32 $0.10
19 Gloriana - Act II - Scene I - The Masque 11:47 320 27.05 $0.10
20 Gloriana - Act II - Scene I - Finale 2:56 320 6.78 $0.10
21 Gloriana - Act II - Scene II - Prelude And Song 2:14 320 5.18 $0.10
22 Gloriana - Act II - Scene II - Duet 1:25 320 3.31 $0.10
23 Gloriana - Act II - Scene II - Double Duet 1:46 320 4.13 $0.10
24 Gloriana - Act II - Scene II - Quartet 3:38 320 8.38 $0.10
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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