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Buy Britten Conducts Britten Operas I CD8

Benjamin Britten - Britten Conducts Britten Operas I CD8

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2004
  • Duration: 66:52
  • Size, Mb: 153.43
  • Bitrate: 320
  • Price for album $3.04$3.04

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Peter Grimes - Act 2 - Scene 1- We Planned That Their Lives Should Have A New Start 2:27 320 5.63 $0.16
02 Peter Grimes - Act 2 - Scene 1- Swallow! Shall We Go And See Grimes In His Hut 0:43 320 1.67 $0.16
03 Peter Grimes - Act 2 - Scene 1- Now Is Gossip Put On Trial 2:12 320 5.04 $0.16
04 Peter Grimes - Act 2 - Scene 1- From The Gutter, Why Should We Trouble At Their Ribaldries 4:34 320 10.49 $0.16
05 Peter Grimes - Act 2 - Interlude IV (Passacaglia) 5:27 320 12.49 $0.16
06 Peter Grimes - Act 2 - Scene 2- Go There! 7:18 320 16.73 $0.16
07 Peter Grimes - Act 2 - Scene 2Now!... Now!... 2:09 320 4.94 $0.16
08 Peter Grimes - Act 2 - Scene 2Peter Grimes! Nobody Here 3:07 320 7.15 $0.16
09 Peter Grimes - Act 3 - Interlude V- Evening 4:19 320 9.89 $0.16
10 Peter Grimes - Act 3 - Scene 1- Assign Your Prettiness To Me 2:36 320 5.96 $0.16
11 Peter Grimes - Act 3 - Scene 1- Pah!... Ahoy! 2:48 320 6.45 $0.16
12 Peter Grimes - Act 3 - Scene 1- Come Along, Doctor! 3:18 320 7.58 $0.16
13 Peter Grimes - Act 3 - Scene 1- Embroidery In Childhood Was A Luxury Of Idleness 5:09 320 11.81 $0.16
14 Peter Grimes - Act 3 - Scene 1- Mister Swallow! Mister Swallow! 1:59 320 4.58 $0.16
15 Peter Grimes - Act 3 - Scene 1- Who Holds Himself Apart, Lets His Pride Rise 3:45 320 8.59 $0.16
16 Peter Grimes - Act 3 - Interlude VI- Fog 2:36 320 5.96 $0.16
17 Peter Grimes - Act 3 - Scene 2- Grimes! Grimes! 4:56 320 11.30 $0.16
18 Peter Grimes - Act 3 - Scene 2- Peter, We've Come To Take You Home 2:29 320 5.69 $0.16
19 Peter Grimes - Act 3 - Scene 2- To Those Who Pass The Borough 5:00 320 11.48 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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