Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / B / Bryn Terfel / Oedipus Rex (With Ozawa,norman, Schreier)
Buy Oedipus Rex (With Ozawa,norman, Schreier)

Bryn Terfel - Oedipus Rex (With Ozawa,norman, Schreier)

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 1992
  • Duration: 52:37
  • Size, Mb: 60.41
  • Bitrate: 160
  • Price for album $3.36$3.36

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Act L Spectateurs 0:58 160 1.11 $0.16
02 Act L Caedit Nos Pestis 3:29 160 3.99 $0.16
03 Act L Liberi, Vos Liberabo (Oedipus) 3:16 160 3.74 $0.16
04 Act L Voici Creon 0:26 160 0.50 $0.16
05 Act L Respondit Deus 3:34 160 4.09 $0.16
06 Act L Non Reperias Vetus Scelus (Oedipus) 3:25 160 3.91 $0.16
07 Act L Oedipe Interroge La Fontaine 0:37 160 0.72 $0.16
08 Act L Delie Exspectamus 1:56 160 2.23 $0.16
09 Act L Dicere Non Possum (Oedipus) 2:52 160 3.28 $0.16
10 Act L Invidia Fortunam Odit (Oedipus) 2:34 160 2.94 $0.16
11 Act L Gloria! 0:58 160 1.11 $0.16
12 Act Ll La Dispute Des Princes 1:10 160 1.35 $0.16
13 Act Ll Gloria ! 0:57 160 1.10 $0.16
14 Act Ll Nonn' Erubescite, Reges (Jocasta) 7:29 160 8.57 $0.16
15 Act Ll Trivium, Trivium... (Oedipus, Jocasta) 3:04 160 3.53 $0.16
16 Act Ll Le Temoin Du Meurtre Sort 0:44 160 0.85 $0.16
17 Act Ll Adest Omniscius Pastor (Oedipus) 5:38 160 6.45 $0.16
18 Act Ll In Monte Reppertus Est (Oedipus) 2:06 160 2.42 $0.16
19 Act Ll Et Maintenant 1:46 160 2.04 $0.16
20 Act Ll Divium Jocastae 3:14 160 3.72 $0.16
21 Act Ll Ecce! Regem Oedipoda 2:24 160 2.76 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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