Iomoio / Mp3 Music Catalogue / B / Bryn Terfel / Silent Noon (English Songs)
Buy Silent Noon (English Songs)

Bryn Terfel - Silent Noon (English Songs)

  • Release type: Album
  • Release source: CD
  • Year: 2005
  • Duration: 74:09
  • Size, Mb: 68.14
  • Bitrate: 128
  • Price for album $5.28$5.28

Track List

Song Title Duration Bitrate Size, Mb Price Order
01 Quilter - Come Away Death (3 Shakespeare Songs) 2:46 128 2.54 $0.16
02 Quilter - O Mistress Mine (3 Shakespeare Songs) 1:35 128 1.46 $0.16
03 Quilter - Blow, Blow Thy Winter Wind (3 Shakespeare Songs) 2:29 128 2.29 $0.16
04 Gurney - Sleep (Five Elizabethan Songs (The Elizas)) 3:13 128 2.95 $0.16
05 Keel 1. Port Of Many Ships (Three Salt-Water Ballads) 2:16 128 2.08 $0.16
06 Keel - 2. Trade Winds (Three Salt-Water Ballads) 2:13 128 2.04 $0.16
07 Keel - 3. Mother Carey (Three Salt-Water Ballads) 1:42 128 1.56 $0.16
08 Elwyn-Edwards - The Cloths Of Heaven (Gwiseg Nefoedd) 2:32 128 2.32 $0.16
09 Vaughan Williams - Silent Noon 3:35 128 3.29 $0.16
10 Vaughan Williams - Linden Lea 2:21 128 2.16 $0.16
11 Quilter - 2-Now Sleeps The Crimson Petal 2:15 128 2.07 $0.16
12 Quilter - 1-Weep You No More, 2:28 128 2.27 $0.16
13 Quilter - 3-Go, Lovely Rose 2:51 128 2.61 $0.16
14 Somervell - 1. Loveliest Of Trees (A Shropshire Lad) 1:56 128 1.77 $0.16
15 Somervell - 2. When I Was One-And-Twenty (A Shropshire Lad) 1:16 128 1.17 $0.16
16 Somervell - 3. There Pass The Careless People (A Shropshire Lad) 1:37 128 1.48 $0.16
17 Somervell - 4. In Summertime On Bredon (A Shropshire Lad) 3:24 128 3.13 $0.16
18 Somervell - 5. Street Sounds To The Soldiers' Tread (Shropshire) 2:12 128 2.02 $0.16
19 Somervell - 6. On The Idle Hill Of Summer (A Shropshire Lad) 2:37 128 2.41 $0.16
20 Somervell - 7. White In The Moon The Long Road Lies(Shropshire) 3:03 128 2.80 $0.16
21 Somervell - 8. Think No More, Lad (A Shropshire Lad) 1:49 128 1.68 $0.16
22 Somervell - 9. Into My Heart An Air That Kills (A Shropshire Lad) 1:54 128 1.75 $0.16
23 Somervell - 10. The Lads In Their Hundreds (A Shropshire Lad) 2:42 128 2.48 $0.16
24 Head - Money, O! 2:14 128 2.05 $0.16
25 Head - The Lord's Prayer 2:15 128 2.07 $0.16
26 Anonymous - The Sally Gardens - Arr. Britten 2:15 128 2.06 $0.16
27 Anonymous - Oliver Cromwell - Arr. Britten 0:46 128 0.72 $0.16
28 Traditional - The Foggy Foggy Dew 2:32 128 2.33 $0.16
29 Warlock - Captain Stratton's Fancy 1:57 128 1.79 $0.16
30 Parry, Traditional - Love Is A Bable Opus 152 No.3 1:43 128 1.58 $0.16
31 Dunhill - The Cloths Of Heaven 2:13 128 2.03 $0.16
32 Stanford - The Aquiline Snub 2:05 128 1.92 $0.16
33 Stanford - The Compleat Virtuoso 1:23 128 1.27 $0.16
  • Track selected: 0
  • Total size, Mb: 0.00
  • Total duration: 00:00
  • Total price, $: 0.00
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